OT: Quiz - more suggestions?


Terry Pinnell

I'm compiling a few familiar quizzes for the family at Christmas,
probably entirely unoriginal. I've copied the first below
a) so that others may be able to use it
b) to prompt a few more suggestions in similar vein please. (In case
it isn't quite long enough to send everyone to sleep.)

Christmas Quiz 1
No. Initials Answer
--- ------------- -----------------------
1 26 L of the A Letters of the alphabet
2 7 W of the AW
3 1001 AN
4 12 S of the Z
5 54 C in a D (with the Js)
6 9 P in the SS
7 88 PK
8 13 S on the AF
9 32 DF at which WF
10 18 H on a GC
11 90 D in a RA
12 200 P for PG in M
14 4 Q in a C
15 57 HV
16 1 W on a U
17 5 D on a ZC
18 16 O in a P
19 11 P in a FT
20 29 D in F in a LY
21 64 S on a CB
22 40 D and N of the GF
23 3 M in a B
24 12 K of the RT
25 13 B in a BD
26 39 B in the OT
27 24 BB in a P
28 9 BS
29 66 B in the B









1 26 L of the A Letters of the alphabet
2 7 W of the AW Wonders of the ancient world
3 1001 AN Arabian Nights
4 12 S of the Z Signs of the Zodiac
5 54 C in a D (with the Js) Cards in a deck (with the Jacks)
6 9 P in the SS Planets in the Solar System
7 88 PK Piano keys
8 13 S on the AF Stripes on the American flag
9 32 DF at which WF Degrees Fahrenheit at which water freezes
10 18 H on a GC Holes on a golf course
11 90 D in a RA Degrees in a right angle
12 200 P for PG in M Pounds for passing Go in Monopoly
13 3 BMSHTR Blind mice, see how they run!
14 4 Q in a C Quarters in a circle
15 57 HV Heinz varieties
16 1 W on a U Wheel on a unicycle
17 5 D on a ZC Diagonals on zebra crossing
18 16 O in a P Ounces in a pound
19 11 P in a FT Players in a football team
20 29 D in F in a LY Days in February in a Leap Year
21 64 S on a CB Squares on a chess board
22 40 D and N of the GF Days and nights of the Great Flood
23 3 M in a B Men in a boat
24 12 K of the RT Knights of the Round Table
25 13 B in a BD Buns in a baker's dozen
26 39 B in the OT Books in the Old Testament
27 24 BB in a P Blackbirds in a pie
28 9 BS Beethoven symphonies
29 66 B in the B Books in the Bible

Terry Pinnell
Hobbyist, West Sussex, UK
On Mon, 20 Dec 2004 01:35:06 GMT, Rich Grise <rich@example.net> wrote:

On Sun, 19 Dec 2004 18:13:53 +0000, Don Pearce wrote:

On Sun, 19 Dec 2004 17:03:42 +0000, John Woodgate
jmw@jmwa.demon.contraspam.yuk> wrote:

I read in sci.electronics.design that Terry Pinnell <terrypinDELETE@THES
Edial.pipex.com> wrote (in <6usas0pmlm3venqsoambpbb43pe96bmduv@4ax.com>)
about 'OT: Quiz - more suggestions?', on Sun, 19 Dec 2004:
I'm compiling a few familiar quizzes for the family at Christmas,
probably entirely unoriginal. I've copied the first below

The answers to 5, 14 and 17 are not correct. Of such are born family

5 Jokers
14 Quadrants
17 None; in fact I don't understand why anyone would ask, unless they
think ZCs are marked out like CWs in the USA!

And of course number 25 should read 25 L in a BD.


What are there 25 of in a Baker's Dozen?

Oops - I meant 13 L in a BD.


Pearce Consulting
On Mon, 20 Dec 2004 11:16:38 +0000, Terry Pinnell
<terrypinDELETE@THESEdial.pipex.com> wrote:

donald@pearce.uk.com (Don Pearce) wrote:

On Mon, 20 Dec 2004 09:52:06 +0000, John Woodgate
jmw@jmwa.demon.contraspam.yuk> wrote:

I read in sci.electronics.design that Don Pearce <donald@pearce.uk.com
wrote (in <41c698d2.86276890@>) about 'OT: Quiz - more
suggestions?', on Mon, 20 Dec 2004:
Oops - I meant 13 L in a BD.

There are 12 letters in 'a baker's dozen'. There are 15 characters.

But there are certainly 13 loaves in a baker's dozen.

Probably 13 buns then too <g>.
No they don't bother for buns. Elephants may have great memories, but
they are crap at counting.


Pearce Consulting
FWIW, this type of puzzle originally appeared in Games Magazine
around 24 years ago, and quickly spread elsewhere, such as the games
section of Omni Magazine where it appeared without attribution until a
later issue. I was obviously reading both magazines at the time, which
may explain some things about me...

In sci.electronics.design and sci.electronics.basics, various posters
wrote the following things:

There are 12 letters in 'a baker's dozen'. There are 15 characters.

But there are certainly 13 loaves in a baker's dozen.

Probably 13 buns then too <g>.

No they don't bother for buns. Elephants may have great memories, but
they are crap at counting.
How many characters and cards are in this thread? :)


Pearce Consulting

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