OT: Outcry as British researcher is given ANOTHER US grant to investigate COVID - despite fears his initial work at Wuhan lab triggered pand...


Jan Panteltje

Outcry as British researcher is given ANOTHER US grant to investigate COVID
- despite fears his initial work at Wuhan lab triggered pandemic:
Peter Daszak is paid $3.3m to study bat coronaviruses - and \'assess their ability to infect humans\'

So more biological warfare from \'merricans!!!!
HIV and COVID was not enough???
On Monday, October 3, 2022 at 6:15:57 PM UTC+11, Jan Panteltje wrote:
Outcry as British researcher is given ANOTHER US grant to investigate COVID
- despite fears his initial work at Wuhan lab triggered pandemic:
Peter Daszak is paid $3.3m to study bat coronaviruses - and \'assess their ability to infect humans\'

So more biological warfare from \'merricans!!!!
HIV and COVID was not enough???

The Daily Mail publisheses nonsense designed to suck in idiots. Cursitor Doom liked it a lot, and Jan Panteltje seems to be just as silly.

Bill Sloman, Sydney
On a sunny day (Mon, 3 Oct 2022 00:41:02 -0700 (PDT)) it happened Anthony
William Sloman <bill.sloman@ieee.org> wrote in

On Monday, October 3, 2022 at 6:15:57 PM UTC+11, Jan Panteltje wrote:
Outcry as British researcher is given ANOTHER US grant to investigate COVID
- despite fears his initial work at Wuhan lab triggered pandemic:
Peter Daszak is paid $3.3m to study bat coronaviruses - and \'assess their ability to infect humans\'

So more biological warfare from \'merricans!!!!
HIV and COVID was not enough???

The Daily Mail publisheses nonsense designed to suck in idiots. Cursitor Doom liked it a lot, and Jan Panteltje seems to be just
as silly.

Well they do publish facts.
And I like their reporting.

Your gov\'s brainwash is now so solidified that those poor neurons
no longer accept a new configuration.
On Monday, 3 October 2022 at 09:15:57 UTC+2, Jan Panteltje wrote:
Outcry as British researcher is given ANOTHER US grant to investigate COVID
- despite fears his initial work at Wuhan lab triggered pandemic:
Peter Daszak is paid $3.3m to study bat coronaviruses - and \'assess their ability to infect humans\'

So more biological warfare from \'merricans!!!!
HIV and COVID was not enough???
UK is low science today,
so a single British researcher, donated with pocket sized grant, makes no difference.

To study bat coronaviruses you need to invest B$s and since you don\'t have money, contact Institute of Virology in Wuhan and read 1,000+ r&d papers for free first.
Professor Bat-Woman is global leader in the study of bat coronaviruses, since she studied bat coronaviruses in Tibet, as a student of medicine.

UK is small island, small population land, alike Australia, alike Canada, generating no high-science or research,

populating BBC news media for the mass, generating social traffic only
On 03/10/2022 08:14, Jan Panteltje wrote:
Outcry as British researcher is given ANOTHER US grant to investigate COVID
- despite fears his initial work at Wuhan lab triggered pandemic:
Peter Daszak is paid $3.3m to study bat coronaviruses - and \'assess their ability to infect humans\'

So more biological warfare from \'merricans!!!!
HIV and COVID was not enough???

It is not called the Daily Wail for nothing!

According them everything is either s *SUPERFOOD* or *CAUSES CANCER*.

They only care about crazy clickbait headlines to sucker the gullible.

Martin Brown
On a sunny day (Mon, 3 Oct 2022 02:40:02 -0700 (PDT)) it happened Anthony
William Sloman <bill.sloman@ieee.org> wrote in

My government got taken over by the Labor Party (Partij van de Arbeid) in June,
so if they were brainwashing me - which they aren\'t - the story I\'d be
backing would have changed (which it hasn\'t). You may find this difficult to
believe (or understand) but some people can think for themselves. Some of
us have been doing it for decades.

Well so your brain froze already during the previous one :)
But I will not divulge in an endless thread like Slowmany versus the renowable FlyGuy.

What will become of humanity after the next US bioweapons experiment goes out of control ..??
Come to think of it, you?

On a sunny day (Mon, 3 Oct 2022 10:17:22 +0100) it happened Martin Brown
<\'\'\'newspam\'\'\'@nonad.co.uk> wrote in <the9b3$p12$1@gioia.aioe.org>:

On 03/10/2022 08:14, Jan Panteltje wrote:
Outcry as British researcher is given ANOTHER US grant to investigate COVID
- despite fears his initial work at Wuhan lab triggered pandemic:
Peter Daszak is paid $3.3m to study bat coronaviruses - and \'assess their ability to infect humans\'

So more biological warfare from \'merricans!!!!
HIV and COVID was not enough???

It is not called the Daily Wail for nothing!

According them everything is either s *SUPERFOOD* or *CAUSES CANCER*.

They only care about crazy clickbait headlines to sucker the gullible.

I read news from many sources plus info from many countries in many languages all over the world
via satellite TV.
Dailymail is refreshing compared to all other censored and controlled shit.
It does have the humorous aspect..
The mess UK is in ATM is really sad, people not being able to pay their bills,
Truss or whatever her name is relief proposal already overthrown.. fear mongering,
a health system that has become a non functional danger system,

Maybe,, just like after the mass infections before WW1, WW3 will follow covid,
bit of market crash will help...

Dark times ahead..
To be able to publish the truth like Dailymail now does and not repeat what US government
spoon-feeds you what to say, is good.

This UK government should be replaced by one that really cares about the people.
Same for EU BTW... it has become a puppet of the US Military Industrial Complex and
is abused by US like Afghanistan was, Iraq was, so many other countries were and are.

So.. a bit of nuking why not....

I had a typical idea for design of a bioweapon few days ago...
You ain\'t seen nothing yet.
On Monday, October 3, 2022 at 11:33:36 PM UTC+11, Jan Panteltje wrote:
On a sunny day (Mon, 3 Oct 2022 10:17:22 +0100) it happened Martin Brown
\'\'\'newspam\'\'\'@nonad.co.uk> wrote in <the9b3$p12$1...@gioia.aioe.org>:
On 03/10/2022 08:14, Jan Panteltje wrote:
Outcry as British researcher is given ANOTHER US grant to investigate COVID
- despite fears his initial work at Wuhan lab triggered pandemic:
Peter Daszak is paid $3.3m to study bat coronaviruses - and \'assess their ability to infect humans\'

So more biological warfare from \'merricans!!!!
HIV and COVID was not enough???

It is not called the Daily Wail for nothing!

According them everything is either s *SUPERFOOD* or *CAUSES CANCER*.

They only care about crazy clickbait headlines to sucker the gullible.

I read news from many sources plus info from many countries in many languages all over the world via satellite TV.

But you don\'t understand a lot of what you read.

> Dailymail is refreshing compared to all other censored and controlled shit.

It tells you what you want to hear.

It does have the humorous aspect..
The mess UK is in ATM is really sad, people not being able to pay their bills,
Truss or whatever her name is relief proposal already overthrown.. fear mongering,
a health system that has become a non functional danger system,

Nothing like as non-functional as Jan Panteltje\'s brain, though that doesn\'t work well enough to be actually dangerous.

> Maybe,, just like after the mass infections before WW1, WW3 will follow covid, bit of market crash will help...

The Spanish flu appeared at the end of WW1. the Great Depression came ten year later. Jan\'s grasp of cause and effect isn\'t all that good.

> Dark times ahead..

Somebody as dim as Jan is always in the dark.

> To be able to publish the truth like Dailymail now does and not repeat what US government spoon-feeds you what to say, is good.

The Daily Mail hasn\'t any better idea of truth than Jan does. It does know clickjbait when it sees it.

This UK government should be replaced by one that really cares about the people.
Same for EU BTW... it has become a puppet of the US Military Industrial Complex and
is abused by US like Afghanistan was, Iraq was, so many other countries were and are.

According to Jan. No member of the EU is occupied by a US Army - as Afghanistan and Irak were. There may be US Army units on European soil, bu they do refrain from shooting the locals, which is a significant difference

So.. a bit of nuking why not....

I had a typical idea for design of a bioweapon few days ago...
You ain\'t seen nothing yet.

And never will.

Bill Sloman, Sydney
In article <the9b3$p12$1@gioia.aioe.org>,
Martin Brown <\'\'\'newspam\'\'\'@nonad.co.uk> wrote:

It is not called the Daily Wail for nothing!
According them everything is either s *SUPERFOOD* or *CAUSES CANCER*.

I think some of the things they claim both cause AND cure cancer. At the
same time ;)

c/o Russell Howard\'s \"Good News\" for the musically minded

Mike Brown: mjb[-at-]signal11.org.uk | http://www.signal11.org.uk
On 03/10/2022 13:31, Jan Panteltje wrote:
On a sunny day (Mon, 3 Oct 2022 10:17:22 +0100) it happened Martin Brown
\'\'\'newspam\'\'\'@nonad.co.uk> wrote in <the9b3$p12$1@gioia.aioe.org>:

On 03/10/2022 08:14, Jan Panteltje wrote:
Outcry as British researcher is given ANOTHER US grant to investigate COVID
- despite fears his initial work at Wuhan lab triggered pandemic:
Peter Daszak is paid $3.3m to study bat coronaviruses - and \'assess their ability to infect humans\'

So more biological warfare from \'merricans!!!!
HIV and COVID was not enough???

It is not called the Daily Wail for nothing!

According them everything is either s *SUPERFOOD* or *CAUSES CANCER*.

They only care about crazy clickbait headlines to sucker the gullible.

I read news from many sources plus info from many countries in many languages all over the world
via satellite TV.

What a pity that your comprehension of the English language is so weak.

Dailymail is refreshing compared to all other censored and controlled shit.
It does have the humorous aspect..

They are aiming at a core market certifiable right whingers of the hang
\'em and flog \'em brigade.

The mess UK is in ATM is really sad, people not being able to pay their bills,
Truss or whatever her name is relief proposal already overthrown.. fear mongering,
a health system that has become a non functional danger system,

She has permitted unlimited bankers bonuses, but failed to get through a
big borrowing scheme to reduce their top rate of tax from 45% to 40%. It
is piss on the poor economics. Even her own party wouldn\'t vote for it.
A sufficient number of them still have a conscience (but only just).

The NHS is deliberately underfunded by the UK government because they
want to make room for US privatised medicine to enter the market. They
are the party for spivs and speculators with more than £1M in assets and
no conscience - basically in bed with the hedge fund managers.

Maybe,, just like after the mass infections before WW1, WW3 will follow covid,
bit of market crash will help...

They\'ve done a really good job on that last week. Crashed the pound to
near parity with the dollar (assisted by those wonderful bankers who
helpfully shorted the pound - possibly using insider information but
*very* hard to prove). They were all partying together at a champagne
reception the night before the \"mini\" budget! Euphemistically called a
\"Fiscal Event\" to avoid having to publish the \"reasoning\" behind it.

Consequences of that were that the UK mortgage market has collapsed and
UK pension funds with \"low risk\" long term gilts risked going insolvent.
The Bank of England is having to buy them up in unlimited quantities to
clear up the mess that our brain dead PM has created (although she
blames her Chancellor). They didn\'t even run it past the Cabinet first!

Kwasi ineffective will go down in history as the most inept Chancellor
of the Exchequer that the UK has *EVER* had bar none.

> Dark times ahead..

Definitely. Ofgem have been forced to admit that the UK is very likely
to be in emergency gas shortage this winter with powercuts and penalty
clauses that could bankrupt my energy supplier (a real one that makes
it). UK deregulated so you can buy energy from clueless middlemen with
daft names like Ovo and Octopus (I\'m not making them up!).


UK has 10 days of gas storage capacity all up. That won\'t last long in a
cold winter. Most EU countries have >60 days worth - we are exporting it
like crazy right now to fill up their tanks because ours are brim full.

We will have to buy it back this winter at usurious spot market prices
or freeze - if it is a cold winter they won\'t want to sell to us.

To be able to publish the truth like Dailymail now does and not repeat what US government
spoon-feeds you what to say, is good.

DailyWail is for deranged conspiracy nutters like you.

> This UK government should be replaced by one that really cares about the people.

YOU are joking right? The senile delinquents members of the Tory Party
put little miss Nasty in power because she doesn\'t care about anyone who
isn\'t a Tory Party donor. UK policy is dictated by the super rich now!

We are in an era of \"Trickle down\" economics. Cuts all around.

Haves will get tax cuts and the poor will get benefit cuts - what is not
to like if you are a heartless capitalist bastard. The poor are there to

Same for EU BTW... it has become a puppet of the US Military Industrial Complex and
is abused by US like Afghanistan was, Iraq was, so many other countries were and are.

EU is much more centralist politics and less dogmatic far right (with
the possible exception now of Italy which is now dabbling with fascism).

> So.. a bit of nuking why not....

It will destroy our ability to make inexpensive complex semiconductors
if there are any nuclear airbursts or worse still ground bursts. Zone
refining can sort the silicon out (more or less) but the packaging
components also need to be free of alpha and beta emitters.

We have been lucky with the development of ever finer features on
silicon chips tracking the decline in short lived isotopes from the
nuclear tests of the 1960\'s. Our instruments could still see exotic
fission products in the cleanest natural water as late as 2000 (and
probably still can).

I had a typical idea for design of a bioweapon few days ago...
You ain\'t seen nothing yet.

Stick to electronics = you know it makes sense.

Martin Brown

c oronaviruses were brought to Wuhan on boards of cruise ships from Norway, US, entering China, Wuhan via Yangcy
visiting fish m arket in Wuhan.
On a sunny day (Tue, 4 Oct 2022 09:17:22 +0100) it happened Martin Brown
<\'\'\'newspam\'\'\'@nonad.co.uk> wrote in <thgq6j$a6b$1@gioia.aioe.org>:

On 03/10/2022 13:31, Jan Panteltje wrote:
On a sunny day (Mon, 3 Oct 2022 10:17:22 +0100) it happened Martin Brown
\'\'\'newspam\'\'\'@nonad.co.uk> wrote in <the9b3$p12$1@gioia.aioe.org>:

On 03/10/2022 08:14, Jan Panteltje wrote:
Outcry as British researcher is given ANOTHER US grant to investigate COVID
- despite fears his initial work at Wuhan lab triggered pandemic:
Peter Daszak is paid $3.3m to study bat coronaviruses - and \'assess their ability to infect humans\'

So more biological warfare from \'merricans!!!!
HIV and COVID was not enough???

It is not called the Daily Wail for nothing!

According them everything is either s *SUPERFOOD* or *CAUSES CANCER*.

They only care about crazy clickbait headlines to sucker the gullible.

I read news from many sources plus info from many countries in many languages all over the world
via satellite TV.

What a pity that your comprehension of the English language is so weak.

Dailymail is refreshing compared to all other censored and controlled shit.
It does have the humorous aspect..

They are aiming at a core market certifiable right whingers of the hang
\'em and flog \'em brigade.

The mess UK is in ATM is really sad, people not being able to pay their bills,
Truss or whatever her name is relief proposal already overthrown.. fear mongering,
a health system that has become a non functional danger system,

She has permitted unlimited bankers bonuses, but failed to get through a
big borrowing scheme to reduce their top rate of tax from 45% to 40%. It
is piss on the poor economics. Even her own party wouldn\'t vote for it.
A sufficient number of them still have a conscience (but only just).

The NHS is deliberately underfunded by the UK government because they
want to make room for US privatised medicine to enter the market. They
are the party for spivs and speculators with more than £1M in assets and
no conscience - basically in bed with the hedge fund managers.

Maybe,, just like after the mass infections before WW1, WW3 will follow covid,
bit of market crash will help...

They\'ve done a really good job on that last week. Crashed the pound to
near parity with the dollar (assisted by those wonderful bankers who
helpfully shorted the pound - possibly using insider information but
*very* hard to prove). They were all partying together at a champagne
reception the night before the \"mini\" budget! Euphemistically called a
\"Fiscal Event\" to avoid having to publish the \"reasoning\" behind it.

Consequences of that were that the UK mortgage market has collapsed and
UK pension funds with \"low risk\" long term gilts risked going insolvent.
The Bank of England is having to buy them up in unlimited quantities to
clear up the mess that our brain dead PM has created (although she
blames her Chancellor). They didn\'t even run it past the Cabinet first!

Kwasi ineffective will go down in history as the most inept Chancellor
of the Exchequer that the UK has *EVER* had bar none.

Dark times ahead..

Definitely. Ofgem have been forced to admit that the UK is very likely
to be in emergency gas shortage this winter with powercuts and penalty
clauses that could bankrupt my energy supplier (a real one that makes
it). UK deregulated so you can buy energy from clueless middlemen with
daft names like Ovo and Octopus (I\'m not making them up!).


UK has 10 days of gas storage capacity all up. That won\'t last long in a
cold winter. Most EU countries have >60 days worth - we are exporting it
like crazy right now to fill up their tanks because ours are brim full.

We will have to buy it back this winter at usurious spot market prices
or freeze - if it is a cold winter they won\'t want to sell to us.

To be able to publish the truth like Dailymail now does and not repeat what US government
spoon-feeds you what to say, is good.

DailyWail is for deranged conspiracy nutters like you.

This UK government should be replaced by one that really cares about the people.

YOU are joking right? The senile delinquents members of the Tory Party
put little miss Nasty in power because she doesn\'t care about anyone who
isn\'t a Tory Party donor. UK policy is dictated by the super rich now!

We are in an era of \"Trickle down\" economics. Cuts all around.

Haves will get tax cuts and the poor will get benefit cuts - what is not
to like if you are a heartless capitalist bastard. The poor are there to

Same for EU BTW... it has become a puppet of the US Military Industrial Complex and
is abused by US like Afghanistan was, Iraq was, so many other countries were and are.

EU is much more centralist politics and less dogmatic far right (with
the possible exception now of Italy which is now dabbling with fascism).

So.. a bit of nuking why not....

It will destroy our ability to make inexpensive complex semiconductors
if there are any nuclear airbursts or worse still ground bursts. Zone
refining can sort the silicon out (more or less) but the packaging
components also need to be free of alpha and beta emitters.

We have been lucky with the development of ever finer features on
silicon chips tracking the decline in short lived isotopes from the
nuclear tests of the 1960\'s. Our instruments could still see exotic
fission products in the cleanest natural water as late as 2000 (and
probably still can).

I had a typical idea for design of a bioweapon few days ago...
You ain\'t seen nothing yet.

Stick to electronics = you know it makes sense.

I think we agree on a lot about the UK.
As to understanding, I lived and worked in London ..
there even was a strip about me in one of the big papers once...

Been a while since I was in the UK, last time Brighton on the beach..
electronics makes sense?
After the nuking all those smartphones and electronic money and QR codes will
no longer exist.
No teefee, maybe MAYBE some radio...
Space wars, US space force, no communication satellites,
only shortwave radio for news from other countries.

We EU, should really drop the US puppet dance.. and act in our own
Was looking at a documentary about China on some German info channel yesterday
supermarket: only smartphones and QR codes and you could pick a fish from an aquarium
and have it cooked and served to your table there with just a click and QR code..
It is getting harder to get cash here, they closed many of those ATMs here
they say because those get blown up, but I think they want to get rid of cash
altogether, big banks taking control of everything and everybody.
But.. no electrickety and none of that works.
Buy some gold...
But you cannot eat gold either...
So... solar panels, desalinator for drinking water, live on the coast, eat radioactive? fish.

anyways, we are just a chemical reaction like there 100% likely are all over the universe...
and I am sure radiation levels must have been very high when life evolved, DNA has repair mechanisms
I am still around after Chernoblyl fallout (where I worked the airco filters had to be replaced becasue those were \'hot\'),
so ... life after the nuking may not be so bad.

But electronics??
On a sunny day (Tue, 4 Oct 2022 00:51:38 -0700 (PDT)) it happened Anthony
William Sloman <bill.sloman@ieee.org> wrote in

No but the guy was not wearing a face mask and contaminated everybody and especially the sales person
who then did the rest..

Don\'t be stupid. Virus researchers are protected by much more comprehensive enclosures than mere face masks.

The person was carrying the virus, maybe even without noticing it,
left the lab and bought that fish on the way home.

I had a second idea for a bio weapon this morning:
\'put some of YOUR brain DNA in a virus; that will do away with the species I am sure\'

On Tuesday, October 4, 2022 at 11:12:21 PM UTC+11, Jan Panteltje wrote:
On a sunny day (Tue, 4 Oct 2022 00:51:38 -0700 (PDT)) it happened Anthony
William Sloman <bill....@ieee.org> wrote in
No but the guy was not wearing a face mask and contaminated everybody and especially the sales person
who then did the rest..

Don\'t be stupid. Virus researchers are protected by much more comprehensive enclosures than mere face masks.

The person was carrying the virus, maybe even without noticing it, left the lab and bought that fish on the way home.

That\'s just as stupid.

> I had a second idea for a bio weapon this morning: \'put some of YOUR brain DNA in a virus; that will do away with the species I am sure\'

You couldn\'t get much of it into a virus. Every cell in the human body has got same DNA - some three billion base pairs. Not all the base pairs are active (and which one are active varies from cell to cell).

Even DNA viruses are much smaller than that - up to about 300,000 base pairs. You\'d be restricted to a very small portion of my genome, and whatever it was you had in mind wouldn\'t work the way you seem to be imagining.

So it\'s an even more stupid idea. Are you deliberately competing with Skybuck Flying and Gnatguy to be seen as the dimmest idiot who posts here?

Bill Sloman, Sydney
On a sunny day (Tue, 4 Oct 2022 05:50:01 -0700 (PDT)) it happened Anthony
William Sloman <bill.sloman@ieee.org> wrote in

On Tuesday, October 4, 2022 at 11:12:21 PM UTC+11, Jan Panteltje wrote:
On a sunny day (Tue, 4 Oct 2022 00:51:38 -0700 (PDT)) it happened Anthony
William Sloman <bill....@ieee.org> wrote in
No but the guy was not wearing a face mask and contaminated everybody and especially the sales person
who then did the rest..

Don\'t be stupid. Virus researchers are protected by much more comprehensive enclosures than mere face masks.

The person was carrying the virus, maybe even without noticing it, left the lab and bought that fish on the way home.

That\'s just as stupid.

Have you ever seen how they use those protective suits?
I was appalled...
Leaking some virus would be a high probabiliy, desinfection stage an other danger source,
bit of a hurry to get home and a fresh fish is all you need.

I had a second idea for a bio weapon this morning: \'put some of YOUR brain DNA in a virus; that will do away with the species
I am sure\'

You couldn\'t get much of it into a virus. Every cell in the human body has got same DNA - some three billion base pairs. Not all
the base pairs are active (and which one are active varies from cell to cell).

Even DNA viruses are much smaller than that - up to about 300,000 base pairs. You\'d be restricted to a very small portion of my
genome, and whatever it was you had in mind wouldn\'t work the way you seem to be imagining.

You\'d only need a little bit.
You probably heard about bytes and bits, now a little bit is one step smaller.

So it\'s an even more stupid idea.

Are you deliberately competing with Skybuck Flying and Gnatguy to be seen as the dimmest idiot
who posts here?

Well beauty is in the beholders eye they say,
On Wednesday, October 5, 2022 at 12:04:52 AM UTC+11, Jan Panteltje wrote:
On a sunny day (Tue, 4 Oct 2022 05:50:01 -0700 (PDT)) it happened Anthony
William Sloman <bill....@ieee.org> wrote in
On Tuesday, October 4, 2022 at 11:12:21 PM UTC+11, Jan Panteltje wrote:
On a sunny day (Tue, 4 Oct 2022 00:51:38 -0700 (PDT)) it happened Anthony
William Sloman <bill....@ieee.org> wrote in
No but the guy was not wearing a face mask and contaminated everybody and especially the sales person
who then did the rest..

Don\'t be stupid. Virus researchers are protected by much more comprehensive enclosures than mere face masks.

The person was carrying the virus, maybe even without noticing it, left the lab and bought that fish on the way home.

That\'s just as stupid.

Have you ever seen how they use those protective suits?

Not up close, but then again. neither have you.

> I was appalled...

You frequently are, pretty much always by something you\'ve totally failed to understand.

> Leaking some virus would be a high probability, disinfection stage another danger source, bit of a hurry to get home and a fresh fish is all you need.

You don\'t even know how to spell the words describing the process. You ideas about probability most likely come from the Daily Mail.

I had a second idea for a bio weapon this morning: \'put some of YOUR brain DNA in a virus; that will do away with the species I am sure\'

You couldn\'t get much of it into a virus. Every cell in the human body has got same DNA - some three billion base pairs. Not all
the base pairs are active (and which ones are active varies from cell to cell).

Even DNA viruses are much smaller than that - up to about 300,000 base pairs. You\'d be restricted to a very small portion of my
genome, and whatever it was you had in mind wouldn\'t work the way you seem to be imagining.

You\'d only need a little bit.

To do what?

> You probably heard about bytes and bits, now a little bit is one step smaller.

Bytes and bits are defined in the digital domain. \"Your little bit\" is a vernacular term applied to a rather different domain.

There\'s nothing smaller than a bit in the digital domain - unlike molecules and atoms (and protons and neutrons) you can\'t split them into anything smaller and more fundamental.

So it\'s an even more stupid idea.

Are you deliberately competing with Skybuck Flying and Gnatguy to be seen as the dimmest idiot who posts here?

Well beauty is in the beholders eye they say,

Beauty is a subjective term. Stupidity is somewhat less debatable. You really are stupid, and while some of the people who post here may be silly enough to give you the benefit of the doubt, you really don\'t deserve it.

Bill Sloman, Sydney
On Tuesday, October 4, 2022 at 4:17:38 AM UTC-4, Martin Brown wrote:
On 03/10/2022 13:31, Jan Panteltje wrote:
On a sunny day (Mon, 3 Oct 2022 10:17:22 +0100) it happened Martin Brown
\'\'\'newspam\'\'\'@nonad.co.uk> wrote in <the9b3$p12$1...@gioia.aioe.org>:

On 03/10/2022 08:14, Jan Panteltje wrote:
Outcry as British researcher is given ANOTHER US grant to investigate COVID
- despite fears his initial work at Wuhan lab triggered pandemic:
Peter Daszak is paid $3.3m to study bat coronaviruses - and \'assess their ability to infect humans\'

So more biological warfare from \'merricans!!!!
HIV and COVID was not enough???

It is not called the Daily Wail for nothing!

According them everything is either s *SUPERFOOD* or *CAUSES CANCER*.

They only care about crazy clickbait headlines to sucker the gullible.

I read news from many sources plus info from many countries in many languages all over the world
via satellite TV.
What a pity that your comprehension of the English language is so weak.
Dailymail is refreshing compared to all other censored and controlled shit.
It does have the humorous aspect..
They are aiming at a core market certifiable right whingers of the hang
\'em and flog \'em brigade.
The mess UK is in ATM is really sad, people not being able to pay their bills,
Truss or whatever her name is relief proposal already overthrown.. fear mongering,
a health system that has become a non functional danger system,
She has permitted unlimited bankers bonuses, but failed to get through a
big borrowing scheme to reduce their top rate of tax from 45% to 40%. It
is piss on the poor economics. Even her own party wouldn\'t vote for it.
A sufficient number of them still have a conscience (but only just).

The NHS is deliberately underfunded by the UK government because they
want to make room for US privatised medicine to enter the market. They
are the party for spivs and speculators with more than £1M in assets and
no conscience - basically in bed with the hedge fund managers.
Maybe,, just like after the mass infections before WW1, WW3 will follow covid,
bit of market crash will help...
They\'ve done a really good job on that last week. Crashed the pound to
near parity with the dollar (assisted by those wonderful bankers who
helpfully shorted the pound - possibly using insider information but
*very* hard to prove). They were all partying together at a champagne
reception the night before the \"mini\" budget! Euphemistically called a
\"Fiscal Event\" to avoid having to publish the \"reasoning\" behind it.

Consequences of that were that the UK mortgage market has collapsed and
UK pension funds with \"low risk\" long term gilts risked going insolvent.
The Bank of England is having to buy them up in unlimited quantities to
clear up the mess that our brain dead PM has created (although she
blames her Chancellor). They didn\'t even run it past the Cabinet first!

Kwasi ineffective will go down in history as the most inept Chancellor
of the Exchequer that the UK has *EVER* had bar none.

Dark times ahead..

Definitely. Ofgem have been forced to admit that the UK is very likely
to be in emergency gas shortage this winter with powercuts and penalty
clauses that could bankrupt my energy supplier (a real one that makes
it). UK deregulated so you can buy energy from clueless middlemen with
daft names like Ovo and Octopus (I\'m not making them up!).


UK has 10 days of gas storage capacity all up. That won\'t last long in a
cold winter. Most EU countries have >60 days worth - we are exporting it
like crazy right now to fill up their tanks because ours are brim full.

We will have to buy it back this winter at usurious spot market prices
or freeze - if it is a cold winter they won\'t want to sell to us.
To be able to publish the truth like Dailymail now does and not repeat what US government
spoon-feeds you what to say, is good.
DailyWail is for deranged conspiracy nutters like you.
This UK government should be replaced by one that really cares about the people.
YOU are joking right? The senile delinquents members of the Tory Party
put little miss Nasty in power because she doesn\'t care about anyone who
isn\'t a Tory Party donor. UK policy is dictated by the super rich now!

We are in an era of \"Trickle down\" economics. Cuts all around.

Haves will get tax cuts and the poor will get benefit cuts - what is not
to like if you are a heartless capitalist bastard. The poor are there to
Same for EU BTW... it has become a puppet of the US Military Industrial Complex and
is abused by US like Afghanistan was, Iraq was, so many other countries were and are.
EU is much more centralist politics and less dogmatic far right (with
the possible exception now of Italy which is now dabbling with fascism).
So.. a bit of nuking why not....
It will destroy our ability to make inexpensive complex semiconductors
if there are any nuclear airbursts or worse still ground bursts. Zone
refining can sort the silicon out (more or less) but the packaging
components also need to be free of alpha and beta emitters.

We have been lucky with the development of ever finer features on
silicon chips tracking the decline in short lived isotopes from the
nuclear tests of the 1960\'s. Our instruments could still see exotic
fission products in the cleanest natural water as late as 2000 (and
probably still can).
I had a typical idea for design of a bioweapon few days ago...
You ain\'t seen nothing yet.
Stick to electronics = you know it makes sense.

Martin Brown

You have that despicable career lackey Rees-Mogg as \'Business, Energy, and Industrial Strategy\' Minister- doing as much damage as possible. Just his appearance speaks volumes about him.
A sloom man cried:

Beauty is a subjective term. Stupidity is somewhat less debatable. You really are stupid, and while some of the people who post
here may be silly enough to give you the benefit of the doubt, you really don\'t deserve it.

I should not have posted using your brain DNA in a virus as biological weapon, it is very very dangerous
On Wednesday, October 5, 2022 at 2:48:50 AM UTC+11, Jan Panteltje wrote:
A sloom man cried:
Beauty is a subjective term. Stupidity is somewhat less debatable. You really are stupid, and while some of the people who post
here may be silly enough to give you the benefit of the doubt, you really don\'t deserve it.
I should not have posted using your brain DNA in a virus as biological weapon, it is very very dangerous .!

Not in the least dangerous. It merely illustrates your fatuous ignorance of how viruses work.

Bill Sloman, Sydney

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