<OT> ModelSim Help <OT>




I'm new to testbenches so I set a goal to get those Verilog examples
to work under ModelSim PE Student Edition 6.4.

I'm trying to do the simplest of things - to run the counter.v and
tcounter.v simulation and create a waveform. However once compiled, I
have no objects hence nothing that can be added to the waveform.

I get no errors at all, just no objects after I compile. I see the two
files under my library, I can click on the testbench file and it opens
in SIM but objects window is simply empty.

Please Help !!!
KellyB wrote:

I'm new to testbenches so I set a goal to get those Verilog examples
to work under ModelSim PE Student Edition 6.4.

I'm trying to do the simplest of things - to run the counter.v and
tcounter.v simulation and create a waveform. However once compiled, I
have no objects hence nothing that can be added to the waveform.

I get no errors at all, just no objects after I compile. I see the two
files under my library, I can click on the testbench file and it opens
in SIM but objects window is simply empty.

Please Help !!!
Did you "link" the design using the "vsim" command? There are three
basic steps: compile ("vlog"), link ("vsim"), and run ("run"). -Kevin
Kevin Neilson wrote:
KellyB wrote:

I'm new to testbenches so I set a goal to get those Verilog examples
to work under ModelSim PE Student Edition 6.4.

I'm trying to do the simplest of things - to run the counter.v and
tcounter.v simulation and create a waveform. However once compiled, I
have no objects hence nothing that can be added to the waveform.

I get no errors at all, just no objects after I compile. I see the two
files under my library, I can click on the testbench file and it opens
in SIM but objects window is simply empty.

Please Help !!!
Did you "link" the design using the "vsim" command? There are three
basic steps: compile ("vlog"), link ("vsim"), and run ("run"). -Kevin
Thanks for the reply.

Ive managed to obtain the compiled entities after a bit of tinkering.
But now i have a different problem.I cannot simulate :(

This is the code:

module stimcrct;
reg A,B,C;
wire x,y;
circuit_with_delay cwd(A,B,C,x,y);
A = 1'b0 ; B = 1'b0 ; C = 1'b0;
A = 1'b1 ; B = 1'b1 ; C = 1'b1;
#100 $finish;

module circuit_with_delay (A,B,C,x,y);
input A,B,C;
output x,y;
wire e;
and #(30) g1(e,A,B);
or #(20) g3(x,e,y);
not #(10) g2(y,C);

This is what i get :

# Compile of test.v was successful.
vsim work.circuit_with_delay
# vsim work.circuit_with_delay
# Error loading design
vsim work.stimcrct
# vsim work.stimcrct
# Error loading design

I am obviously missing something really silly.BTW this is the first time
that I am using ModelSim and I have only just started to learn verilog.

Best Regards
KellyB wrote:
Kevin Neilson wrote:
KellyB wrote:

I'm new to testbenches so I set a goal to get those Verilog examples
to work under ModelSim PE Student Edition 6.4.

I'm trying to do the simplest of things - to run the counter.v and
tcounter.v simulation and create a waveform. However once compiled, I
have no objects hence nothing that can be added to the waveform.

I tried simulating the *new* code instead (The one posted above) , after
the initial failure with the counter.v and tcounter.v codes Hope this
does not create any confusion.

KellyB wrote:
Kevin Neilson wrote:
KellyB wrote:

I'm new to testbenches so I set a goal to get those Verilog examples
to work under ModelSim PE Student Edition 6.4.

I'm trying to do the simplest of things - to run the counter.v and
tcounter.v simulation and create a waveform. However once compiled, I
have no objects hence nothing that can be added to the waveform.

I get no errors at all, just no objects after I compile. I see the two
files under my library, I can click on the testbench file and it opens
in SIM but objects window is simply empty.

Please Help !!!
Did you "link" the design using the "vsim" command? There are three
basic steps: compile ("vlog"), link ("vsim"), and run ("run"). -Kevin

Thanks for the reply.

Ive managed to obtain the compiled entities after a bit of tinkering.
But now i have a different problem.I cannot simulate :(

This is the code:

module stimcrct;
reg A,B,C;
wire x,y;
circuit_with_delay cwd(A,B,C,x,y);
A = 1'b0 ; B = 1'b0 ; C = 1'b0;
A = 1'b1 ; B = 1'b1 ; C = 1'b1;
#100 $finish;

module circuit_with_delay (A,B,C,x,y);
input A,B,C;
output x,y;
wire e;
and #(30) g1(e,A,B);
or #(20) g3(x,e,y);
not #(10) g2(y,C);

This is what i get :

# Compile of test.v was successful.
vsim work.circuit_with_delay
# vsim work.circuit_with_delay
# Error loading design
vsim work.stimcrct
# vsim work.stimcrct
# Error loading design

I am obviously missing something really silly.BTW this is the first time
that I am using ModelSim and I have only just started to learn verilog.

Best Regards
I don't know what might be wrong. It was successful for me. I put the
code in two files and compiled:

VSIM&gt; vlog hdl/circuit_with_delay.v
# Model Technology ModelSim SE vlog 6.3e Compiler 2008.02 Feb 2 2008
# -- Compiling module circuit_with_delay
# Top level modules:
# circuit_with_delay
VSIM&gt; vlog hdl/stimcrct.v
# Model Technology ModelSim SE vlog 6.3e Compiler 2008.02 Feb 2 2008
# -- Compiling module stimcrct
# Top level modules:
# stimcrct
VSIM&gt; vsim stimcrct
# vsim stimcrct
# Loading
# Loading work.stimcrct(fast)
# Loading work.circuit_with_delay(fast)

This assumes there is already a library called 'work'. I put the files
in a folder called "hdl". Note: it's good design practice to put each
module in its own file and make the filename the same as the module
name. -Kevin
Kevin Neilson wrote:
KellyB wrote:
Kevin Neilson wrote:
KellyB wrote:

I'm new to testbenches so I set a goal to get those Verilog examples
to work under ModelSim PE Student Edition 6.4.

I'm trying to do the simplest of things - to run the counter.v and
tcounter.v simulation and create a waveform. However once compiled, I
have no objects hence nothing that can be added to the waveform.

I get no errors at all, just no objects after I compile. I see the two
files under my library, I can click on the testbench file and it opens
in SIM but objects window is simply empty.

Please Help !!!
Did you "link" the design using the "vsim" command? There are three
basic steps: compile ("vlog"), link ("vsim"), and run ("run"). -Kevin

Thanks for the reply.

Ive managed to obtain the compiled entities after a bit of tinkering.
But now i have a different problem.I cannot simulate :(

This is the code:

module stimcrct;
reg A,B,C;
wire x,y;
circuit_with_delay cwd(A,B,C,x,y);
A = 1'b0 ; B = 1'b0 ; C = 1'b0;
A = 1'b1 ; B = 1'b1 ; C = 1'b1;
#100 $finish;

module circuit_with_delay (A,B,C,x,y);
input A,B,C;
output x,y;
wire e;
and #(30) g1(e,A,B);
or #(20) g3(x,e,y);
not #(10) g2(y,C);

This is what i get :

# Compile of test.v was successful.
vsim work.circuit_with_delay
# vsim work.circuit_with_delay
# Error loading design
vsim work.stimcrct
# vsim work.stimcrct
# Error loading design

I am obviously missing something really silly.BTW this is the first
time that I am using ModelSim and I have only just started to learn

Best Regards
I don't know what might be wrong. It was successful for me. I put the
code in two files and compiled:

VSIM&gt; vlog hdl/circuit_with_delay.v
# Model Technology ModelSim SE vlog 6.3e Compiler 2008.02 Feb 2 2008
# -- Compiling module circuit_with_delay
# Top level modules:
# circuit_with_delay
VSIM&gt; vlog hdl/stimcrct.v
# Model Technology ModelSim SE vlog 6.3e Compiler 2008.02 Feb 2 2008
# -- Compiling module stimcrct
# Top level modules:
# stimcrct
VSIM&gt; vsim stimcrct
# vsim stimcrct
# Loading
# Loading work.stimcrct(fast)
# Loading work.circuit_with_delay(fast)

This assumes there is already a library called 'work'. I put the files
in a folder called "hdl". Note: it's good design practice to put each
module in its own file and make the filename the same as the module
name. -Kevin
Thanks for the reply Kevin.I got the manuals from the website and
finally managed to run the code. There was some issue with user
privileges on my system (Windows vista) .
Its working as it should be.

Thanks Again

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