OT: Legal Smoking Herbs - Australian Seller!



We are one of few legal smoking herbs suppliers in NSW.
Located in Penrith, we can obtain just about any herb legal in NSW, and many
more used in teas and cooking.

Our biggest sellers:
Magic Green 15g, $20.
Passion Flower 50g, $20
Damiana Smoke 50g, $25

Magic Green - A serious mix, good for chilling out on your own or in a

Passion Flower - Not as strong as Magic Green, this is perfect for
relaxation, overcoming insomnia, stress & restlessness. Extremely good as a
nicotine replacement therapy, it takes away the nicotine cravings the moment
you start. Once you are smoking only Passion Flower, you can easily cut down
the amount as far as you wish as there are no withdrawal effects, unlike

Damiana is as close to the "real thing" you can legally purchase in
Great for parties, relaxation, insomnia relief, and massively increased
sexual pleasure.
The effects are predictable, one cigarette or pipe will last roughly an
hour, so you can time your high!
Need some stress relief in the morning but have important meetings in the
afternoon? This is it!

All legal herbs! NONE of our products will cause you to fail a drug test!

Driving & operating power machinery are not recommended under the influence
of any smoking herb until you are familiar with their effects and the amount
of time they last for you. Please use common sense.

Finally, one of our best ever hits - Premade Bongs! We can make any bong to
suit your needs.
Single use "coke bottle & hose", single use pipes, pipes you can dismantle
and clean yourself, bucket bongs...
Not to mention our favourite - the quad-cone Phantom Breath. If you are
having a party and have a bathtub, sink, or even a backyard pool, the
Phantom Breath is good for the masses. Prices on application for our bongs.

Water-flavouring agents are available in most flavours if you wish to add an
extra kick to your smoke.
Please contact us with specifics if you have a bong idea but no knowledge
how to create your masterpiece.

Delivery for our larger "party goods" must be made via car due to size and
weight, and will be included in the total cost. We do not charge excessive
fees for delivery - contact us for a quote.

Same-day vehicle delivery is available on our major lines, as we usually
have stock available. Our projected timeframe for out-of-stock goods is 3
days, and never more than 5 or your money back.

Discreet unmarked postal services also available.

First time customers: Payment must be made prior to goods being posted or
Repeat customers are welcome to pay in cash (vehicle delivery only).
Payment via direct deposit or money order - NO cheques, NO credit cards.

If you have a specific herbal smoke or tea which is not listed, please
contact us to confirm availability.
Please contact us directly via email - remove the .COM at the end to create
a valid email.

PS: Please do NOT contact us and ask for illegal herbs! We do not stock or
supply them!
LegalSmoke wrote:
We are one of few legal smoking herbs suppliers in NSW.
Located in Penrith, we can obtain just about any herb legal in NSW, and many
more used in teas and cooking.

Our biggest sellers:
Magic Green 15g, $20.
Passion Flower 50g, $20
Damiana Smoke 50g, $25

I'm after something that evokes blue skies and warm
summers with green foliage, I believe it's called
"lawn clippings".
When mowing use the CONVICTA Schapelle , it holds 4 kilos of grass and comes
with a 20 year guarantee

"Mark Harriss" <billy@blartco.co.uk> wrote in message
LegalSmoke wrote:
We are one of few legal smoking herbs suppliers in NSW.
Located in Penrith, we can obtain just about any herb legal in NSW, and
more used in teas and cooking.

Our biggest sellers:
Magic Green 15g, $20.
Passion Flower 50g, $20
Damiana Smoke 50g, $25

I'm after something that evokes blue skies and warm
summers with green foliage, I believe it's called
"lawn clippings".
"FruitLoop" <Hyperactive@fruitloop.net> wrote

When mowing use the CONVICTA Schapelle , it holds 4 kilos of grass and comes
with a 20 year guarantee

**** Way to go,right on Bro'!!!!

Brian Goldsmith.

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