OT: Kutztown XXXIV Antique Radio Show and Sale



Officially, May 13/14 at the Renningers Farm Market and Antique Mall, Kutztown, PA. Link below:


Admission is free, camping on-site is free, parking is free. Hundreds of vendors, thousands of radios, audio, widgets and gimcracks related to and cousins of the vintage radio hobby. NOTE: Thursday has become almost as active as Friday or Saturday for those willing to pay a small early buyer fee. Registered Vendors and club members do not pay this fee.

As always, I will be at the Club Table arriving Thursday morning and running a clinic on the basic diagnosis of vintage radios et.al..

If you are looking for *that* part or *that* radio - this is the best opportunity you will find where you can actually kick the tires and hold the object prior to purchase.

Come one, come all!

Peter Wieck
Melrose Park, PA
Hi Peter:

Slideshow piqued my interest! As either a vendor or
customer I might really rock your show: I'm a fan
of my generation's "Atwaters" - boom boxes!

I collect late '70s-mid-'80s examples, preferably pre-
CD. All makes, but I prefer they have shortwave
bands and RCA-jacks for connecting external audio
(iPhones, etc,). JVC, Sanyo are my favorites. Their
build quality and sound quality put today's excuses for
portables to shame! Blue Tooth? Who needs Blue
Tooth?? lol

As stated previously, based on what I saw from last
September, I'd really stand out with as a vendor with
a table full of these things!
On Tuesday, April 19, 2016 at 5:59:15 AM UTC-4, thekma...@gmail.com wrote:
Hi Peter:

Slideshow piqued my interest! As either a vendor or
customer I might really rock your show: I'm a fan
of my generation's "Atwaters" - boom boxes!

I collect late '70s-mid-'80s examples, preferably pre-
CD. All makes, but I prefer they have shortwave
bands and RCA-jacks for connecting external audio
(iPhones, etc,). JVC, Sanyo are my favorites. Their
build quality and sound quality put today's excuses for
portables to shame! Blue Tooth? Who needs Blue
Tooth?? lol

As stated previously, based on what I saw from last
September, I'd really stand out with as a vendor with
a table full of these things!

You should try - but! Right now, the main pavilion is sold out, and has been since last September. So, you would be relegated to the second pavilion with about 1/3 the vendors of the main. Not to suggest that this is a poor location - most of the very highest end audio stuff was to be found in the second pavilion, as it happens. But, you are far from the club table where information is given out and announcements are made. When this meet started some years ago, it was 1/2 of one pavilion and ran for 6 hours, billing itself as "Not Rochester". Today it is 1-2/3 pavilions and runs, effectively, for 60 hours. AKA, the BEAST from the EAST. Rochester, today, is an afterthought.

NOTE: I broadcast on 1380 AM and 92.1FM from the club table, and I have the capacity to make announcements OTA. So, if a radio is tuned conveniently nearby, you may use those services. We generally broadcast vintage big-band, radio shows and such, along with many PSAs for the auction, club services and such. I also keep a small range of tools, including hand-tools, two DVMs, one LCR, one ESR, a signal injector, generator and such-like for the basic diagnostic services the club also offers. And, a very fine tube tester (Hickok 539B).

Re: Your particular specialty: The BIN (Buy-It-Now) table usually has a reasonable selection of BBs, mostly in fairly poor shape, but could be excellent sources for parts, especially appearance parts. So, for $5 - $25, you could fill a small van with restoration parts and candidates for same.

Find me at the club table. The bald/bearded guy sitting behind all the tools.

Peter Wieck
Melrose Park, PA
Thanks Peter!

Yeah, I'm probably attending just
as a visitor this time. Any coaster
nuts in your crowd? Dorney's right
next door. :)

Too bad so many of those boom
boxes weren't treated more nicely
back in the day - slammed between
school bus doors, knocked off
desks, etc.

I have real respect for all types of
audio equipment, including portables,
and know how to get good sound
out of anything.

I also need to know Pete: WHERE have
my time signals gone?? LOL. 5, 10,
15, 20mHz. All noise, barely a trace of
the time signals. I have a theory, but
what's your's?
On Tue, 19 Apr 2016 02:59:09 -0700 (PDT), thekmanrocks@gmail.com

Hi Peter:

Slideshow piqued my interest! As either a vendor or
customer I might really rock your show: I'm a fan
of my generation's "Atwaters" - boom boxes!

I collect late '70s-mid-'80s examples, preferably pre-
CD. All makes, but I prefer they have shortwave
bands and RCA-jacks for connecting external audio
(iPhones, etc,). JVC, Sanyo are my favorites. Their
build quality and sound quality put today's excuses for
portables to shame! Blue Tooth? Who needs Blue
Tooth?? lol

As stated previously, based on what I saw from last
September, I'd really stand out with as a vendor with
a table full of these things!
Now this is a boom box! http://i31.tinypic.com/2eo8m6x.jpg

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On Tue, 19 Apr 2016 10:14:07 -0700 (PDT), thekmanrocks@gmail.com


Thanks for sharing! It's even got
a turntable.

Also 2 tonearms so the record didn't need to be flipped.

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