Guy Macon
What a difference removing a noise source can make!
For a long time my enjoyment of sci.electronics.design has been
reduced because of a certain poster who is a source of noise with
no signal. I had despaired of being able to filter out the noise
because so many other posters who post content I want to read had
bits of the noise embedded in their posts. Then one day there was
a collective immune reaction where just about everybody started
filtering the noise at the same time - so I, of course, followed
suit. Now the newsgroup has a great signal to noise ratio, and
the noise source is shouting into an empty hall. (It will be a
measure of his stupidity how long he keeps railing away without
anyone replying, but it doesn't matter to me - I don't see the
posts anyway.) Life is good. I may even read a few political
posts with the time this is saving me!
For a long time my enjoyment of sci.electronics.design has been
reduced because of a certain poster who is a source of noise with
no signal. I had despaired of being able to filter out the noise
because so many other posters who post content I want to read had
bits of the noise embedded in their posts. Then one day there was
a collective immune reaction where just about everybody started
filtering the noise at the same time - so I, of course, followed
suit. Now the newsgroup has a great signal to noise ratio, and
the noise source is shouting into an empty hall. (It will be a
measure of his stupidity how long he keeps railing away without
anyone replying, but it doesn't matter to me - I don't see the
posts anyway.) Life is good. I may even read a few political
posts with the time this is saving me!