OT: Illogic


Jon Slaughter


So they say the racists will probably decide the election!?!?!

I say the majority will decide it!! How come when it's close it's ok to
seperate out a very small group and blame them but when it's not close then
that group isn't blamed?

You can just as easily blame the conservative's born between 1955 and 1957
that weight between 130 and 150 lbs! (and say they will decide the election)

Why all the racism injected into it?
"Brendan Gillatt" <brendanREMOVETHIS@brendanREMOVETHISgillatt.co.uk> wrote
in message news:_4SdnXPhf4f9UkrVnZ2dnUVZ8uydnZ2d@pipex.net...
Hash: SHA1

Jon Slaughter wrote:

Look at that photo! How can a reputable news source start to talk about
racial equality with that kind of media.
Do you think it is intentional that they are trying to make people think
that whites are racist so that whites will vote for obama?

Just a while ago I saw msnbc talk about white dems being racist... do you
think it's reverse psychology?
"Jon Slaughter" <Jon_Slaughter@Hotmail.com> wrote in


So they say the racists will probably decide the election!?!?!

I say the majority will decide it!! How come when it's close it's ok to
seperate out a very small group and blame them but when it's not close
then that group isn't blamed?

You can just as easily blame the conservative's born between 1955 and
1957 that weight between 130 and 150 lbs! (and say they will decide the

Why all the racism injected into it?
Some people are racist, that's true enough - I've personally heard it. OTOH,
I do agree that there is way too much hammering-away at it. People have all
sorts of preconceived notions and prejudices, tho'. I'd also heard peole
saying they'd never vote for Hillary (had she won the nomination) because
they didn't want "some damn c**t" to be President. Others dont; like McCain
*only* becasue of his age. And so on. Yes, those things *will* be a factor
in how any given individual votes. Just as stupid crap like "gee he seems
like a guy I'd like to have a beer with" is used as a basis for voting. But
IMO it's counterproductive (and IMO just plain stupid) to harp on Race
becasue all that does is create resentment among people who are still
undecided, and resentment leads to backlash.

What irritates me is that *any* of this stupid "People Magazine" type of
blivetting gets hashed over - and over, and over, and over, and over, and
over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over...

I mean, Sarah Palin's *glasses*? Good grief.

Unfortunately, most people seem to like sensationlaist news and superficial
news. So that's what the news organizations put out - fact is that they make
a whole honking huge *hell* of a lot more money by saying "Candidate A is an
idiot!", than they'd make by a rational and carefully-researched/checked
analysis of the facts and issues.

So, we get 90% blivitting and blowviating, and *maybe* 10% useful
"Jon Slaughter" <Jon_Slaughter@Hotmail.com> wrote in news:tfRBk.1019$as4.861

"Brendan Gillatt" <brendanREMOVETHIS@brendanREMOVETHISgillatt.co.uk> wrote
in message news:_4SdnXPhf4f9UkrVnZ2dnUVZ8uydnZ2d@pipex.net...
Hash: SHA1

Jon Slaughter wrote:

Look at that photo! How can a reputable news source start to talk about
racial equality with that kind of media.

Do you think it is intentional that they are trying to make people think
that whites are racist so that whites will vote for obama?

Just a while ago I saw msnbc talk about white dems being racist... do you
think it's reverse psychology?

If so, it's a very risky tactic, therefore IMO not very smart. THey're just
as likely to build resentment as guilt (esp. since guilt itself tends to feed
into resentment) and backlash, as opposed to support.
"Kris Krieger" <me@dowmuff.in> wrote in message
"Jon Slaughter" <Jon_Slaughter@Hotmail.com> wrote in


So they say the racists will probably decide the election!?!?!

I say the majority will decide it!! How come when it's close it's ok to
seperate out a very small group and blame them but when it's not close
then that group isn't blamed?

You can just as easily blame the conservative's born between 1955 and
1957 that weight between 130 and 150 lbs! (and say they will decide the

Why all the racism injected into it?

Some people are racist, that's true enough - I've personally heard it.
I do agree that there is way too much hammering-away at it. People have
sorts of preconceived notions and prejudices, tho'. I'd also heard peole
saying they'd never vote for Hillary (had she won the nomination) because
they didn't want "some damn c**t" to be President. Others dont; like
*only* becasue of his age. And so on. Yes, those things *will* be a
in how any given individual votes. Just as stupid crap like "gee he seems
like a guy I'd like to have a beer with" is used as a basis for voting.
IMO it's counterproductive (and IMO just plain stupid) to harp on Race
becasue all that does is create resentment among people who are still
undecided, and resentment leads to backlash.

What irritates me is that *any* of this stupid "People Magazine" type of
blivetting gets hashed over - and over, and over, and over, and over, and
over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over...

I mean, Sarah Palin's *glasses*? Good grief.

Unfortunately, most people seem to like sensationlaist news and
news. So that's what the news organizations put out - fact is that they
a whole honking huge *hell* of a lot more money by saying "Candidate A is
idiot!", than they'd make by a rational and carefully-researched/checked
analysis of the facts and issues.

So, we get 90% blivitting and blowviating, and *maybe* 10% useful
Racism isn't black or white and while the majority of whites might not vote
for obama it doesn't mean it's because they are racist. (Everyone has some
inherent racism)

Many of those that might even call obama nigger and say "I'll never vote for
a nigger" would most likely vote for some black guy if he had there views
and was the best candidate.

The fact is, most whites are not voting for obama because he is an extreme

What is ignorant is that msnbc seem to be implying that if you don't vote
for obama then your a racist... which means you can't have any other view.
They don't consider that about 1/2 of the whites are republican and wouldn't
vote for him either way(most likely) and the other half don't like him
anyways but many will still vote for him because they will not vote

So I don't know where all this shit comes from but I would bet my arm that
it's just another tactic that msnbc has come up with to try to get their
favorite buddy in.
"Jon Slaughter" <Jon_Slaughter@Hotmail.com> wrote in

"Kris Krieger" <me@dowmuff.in> wrote in message
"Jon Slaughter" <Jon_Slaughter@Hotmail.com> wrote in


So they say the racists will probably decide the election!?!?!

I say the majority will decide it!! How come when it's close it's ok
to seperate out a very small group and blame them but when it's not
close then that group isn't blamed?

You can just as easily blame the conservative's born between 1955 and
1957 that weight between 130 and 150 lbs! (and say they will decide
the election)

Why all the racism injected into it?

Some people are racist, that's true enough - I've personally heard it.
I do agree that there is way too much hammering-away at it. People
have all
sorts of preconceived notions and prejudices, tho'. I'd also heard
peole saying they'd never vote for Hillary (had she won the nomination)
because they didn't want "some damn c**t" to be President. Others
dont; like McCain
*only* becasue of his age. And so on. Yes, those things *will* be a
in how any given individual votes. Just as stupid crap like "gee he
seems like a guy I'd like to have a beer with" is used as a basis for
voting. But
IMO it's counterproductive (and IMO just plain stupid) to harp on Race
becasue all that does is create resentment among people who are still
undecided, and resentment leads to backlash.

What irritates me is that *any* of this stupid "People Magazine" type
of blivetting gets hashed over - and over, and over, and over, and
over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over...

I mean, Sarah Palin's *glasses*? Good grief.

Unfortunately, most people seem to like sensationlaist news and
news. So that's what the news organizations put out - fact is that
they make
a whole honking huge *hell* of a lot more money by saying "Candidate A
is an
idiot!", than they'd make by a rational and
carefully-researched/checked analysis of the facts and issues.

So, we get 90% blivitting and blowviating, and *maybe* 10% useful

Racism isn't black or white
I thought that woudl be implied in what I wrote, but I guess not - but it's
certainly true.

and while the majority of whites might not
vote for obama it doesn't mean it's because they are racist. (Everyone
has some inherent racism)

Many of those that might even call obama nigger and say "I'll never vote
for a nigger" would most likely vote for some black guy if he had there
views and was the best candidate.
Well, that'd be highly unlikely, since part of prejudice (racism) is that
one does not attribute qualities such as competence and intelligence to the
object of said prejudice.

That being said, I think such attitudes are less prevalent then they used
to be. But they do still exist.

By the same token, like it or not, voting *is* a matter of personal choice.
So, if part of someone's choice is based on their attitudes concerning
race, it's still their choice and they still have the Constitutional right
to make that choice, regardless of whether others would disagree with it.

At the same time, if people are talking about basing a choice in whole or
in part upon that factor, then it's jsut as reportble as is whether other
poeple are giving trong consideration to "green" issues, or anyhting else.
WOuld you be jumping up and down if the reports said that Some peole might
not vote for Obama because they wnat a lot of offshore drilling? Well,
it's the same thing - one aspect of why some people make the choices they

The fact is, most whites are not voting for obama because he is an
extreme liberal.
Are you saying "most whites aer not voting for Obama", or "most peole who
are white, who are not voting for Obama, are doing so because they see him
as too liberal"? THe wording is confusing and sounds liek ti might be
saying "most whites are not voting for Obama period"; I don't think that's
what you're saying, but it might help to clarify.

What is ignorant is that msnbc seem to be implying that if you don't
vote for obama then your a racist... which means you can't have any
other view. They don't consider that about 1/2 of the whites are
republican and wouldn't vote for him either way(most likely) and the
other half don't like him anyways but many will still vote for him
because they will not vote republican.
This is an old story/claim which is in part due to sensitivity, and in part
due to jus tplain sloppy wording on the part of reporters.

So I don't know where all this shit comes from but I would bet my arm
that it's just another tactic that msnbc has come up with to try to get
their favorite buddy in.
Tactic? IMO you grant them too much cleverness <L!>. More like sloppiness
- as evidenced by the fact that I've heard a number of journalists say
"these ones" and otehr such nonsense. There is a lot of both sloppiness,
and knee-jerk emotionalism, spread all across the board.
On Sun, 21 Sep 2008 09:04:54 -0500, "Jon Slaughter"
<Jon_Slaughter@Hotmail.com> wrote:


So they say the racists will probably decide the election!?!?!

I say the majority will decide it!! How come when it's close it's ok to
seperate out a very small group and blame them but when it's not close then
that group isn't blamed?

You can just as easily blame the conservative's born between 1955 and 1957
that weight between 130 and 150 lbs! (and say they will decide the election)

Why all the racism injected into it?


Black voters back Obama 94 to 1 percent.

Hash: SHA1

Jon Slaughter wrote:
Look at that photo! How can a reputable news source start to talk about
racial equality with that kind of media.

- --
Brendan Gillatt | GPG Key: 0xBF6A0D94
brendan {a} brendangillatt (dot) co (dot) uk
Version: GnuPG v1.4.7 (MingW32)

On Mon, 22 Sep 2008 17:01:56 -0500, "Jon Slaughter"
<Jon_Slaughter@Hotmail.com> wrote:

"Kris Krieger" <me@dowmuff.in> wrote in message
"Jon Slaughter" <Jon_Slaughter@Hotmail.com> wrote in


So they say the racists will probably decide the election!?!?!

I say the majority will decide it!! How come when it's close it's ok to
seperate out a very small group and blame them but when it's not close
then that group isn't blamed?

You can just as easily blame the conservative's born between 1955 and
1957 that weight between 130 and 150 lbs! (and say they will decide the

Why all the racism injected into it?

Some people are racist, that's true enough - I've personally heard it.
I do agree that there is way too much hammering-away at it. People have
sorts of preconceived notions and prejudices, tho'. I'd also heard peole
saying they'd never vote for Hillary (had she won the nomination) because
they didn't want "some damn c**t" to be President. Others dont; like
*only* becasue of his age. And so on. Yes, those things *will* be a
in how any given individual votes. Just as stupid crap like "gee he seems
like a guy I'd like to have a beer with" is used as a basis for voting.
IMO it's counterproductive (and IMO just plain stupid) to harp on Race
becasue all that does is create resentment among people who are still
undecided, and resentment leads to backlash.

What irritates me is that *any* of this stupid "People Magazine" type of
blivetting gets hashed over - and over, and over, and over, and over, and
over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over...

I mean, Sarah Palin's *glasses*? Good grief.

Unfortunately, most people seem to like sensationlaist news and
news. So that's what the news organizations put out - fact is that they
a whole honking huge *hell* of a lot more money by saying "Candidate A is
idiot!", than they'd make by a rational and carefully-researched/checked
analysis of the facts and issues.

So, we get 90% blivitting and blowviating, and *maybe* 10% useful

Racism isn't black or white and while the majority of whites might not vote
for obama it doesn't mean it's because they are racist. (Everyone has some
inherent racism)

Many of those that might even call obama nigger and say "I'll never vote for
a nigger" would most likely vote for some black guy if he had there views
and was the best candidate.

The fact is, most whites are not voting for obama because he is an extreme

What is ignorant is that msnbc seem to be implying that if you don't vote
for obama then your a racist... which means you can't have any other view.
They don't consider that about 1/2 of the whites are republican and wouldn't
vote for him either way(most likely) and the other half don't like him
anyways but many will still vote for him because they will not vote

So I don't know where all this shit comes from but I would bet my arm that
it's just another tactic that msnbc has come up with to try to get their
favorite buddy in.

Isn't MSNBC "MicroSoft's NBC?",

Isn't Bill Gates MicroSoft?

Isn't Jerry Seinfeld ashamed of having been bought?

I think the answer to all three of the questions is "yes", but what most
of us have been told, ingenuously, and what tugs at our heartstrings,
(mine anyway) is that Obama's being black will rid us of our guilt in
having been slavers if only we elect him and let his niggerness lead us.

Into what?


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