[OT] Grounding CATV



Can someone tell me if cable for CATV should be grounded (something
like every 100 m, or so) or not (not in home, but between fiber node
and coax node). Can electrical induction from high voltage cables
cause problems or not (in what cases)? I really need some expert help;
do you know where too look for it (if not here)?
Orange <orange@drenik.net_NOSPAM> wrote in message news:<0nd7rv4221vnd7ipq9jh14f2q6rqqr3h57@4ax.com>...
Can someone tell me if cable for CATV should be grounded (something
like every 100 m, or so) or not (not in home, but between fiber node
and coax node). Can electrical induction from high voltage cables
cause problems or not (in what cases)? I really need some expert help;
do you know where too look for it (if not here)?
Hi, Grounding on cable tv coax is not a problem. Typical systems have
many grounds. Unlike audio/video lines ground loops aren't a problem.
RF is much higher than the 60 hz interference. Most equipment won't
even pass something that low. High Voltage cables are another story.
First, you will have code problems mixing high and low voltage wiring.
Depending on what type of high voltage, AC, DC, pulsed etc. harmonics
will induce interference. Since the coax is not a balanced system,
outside interference becomes a problem. It also depends on the type
of cable being used. Quad shield, hard line etc.

Hope this helps,
Jerry Arch

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