OT: Garbage rubber from communist China...


John Doe



I had a serious problem with some Chinese made headphones, apparently
caused by the rubber padding. It SUCKED.

I\'m cautious about that nowadays. If the material is pressed against my
skin for extended periods of time, it will be from a well-known brand name
manufacturer. That\'s no guarantee, but I\'ll do what I can do.

I didn\'t need anybody else\'s experience, but here\'s what appears to be a
documented example...
John Doe writes:
I had a serious problem with some Chinese made headphones,
apparently caused by the rubber padding. It SUCKED.

And you also had a serious problem with Johnson\'s Baby Shampoo. So, it
must be something about your head.

I\'m cautious about that nowadays. If the material is pressed against
my skin for extended periods of time, it will be from a well-known
brand name manufacturer. That\'s no guarantee, but I\'ll do what I can

You\'re too feeble to do much.

I didn\'t need anybody else\'s experience, but here\'s what appears to
be a documented example...

.... Hernandez will be along to slap you for your reply.
On 2022-02-18, John Doe <always.look@message.header> wrote:
> https://support.oculus.com/articles/fix-a-problem/troubleshoot-headsets-and-accessories/facial-interface-notice-quest-2

Garbage product from meta.
No surprises there.

The John Doe troll stated the following in message-id

> The troll doesn\'t even know how to format a USENET post...

And the John Doe troll stated the following in message-id

The reason Bozo cannot figure out how to get Google to keep from
breaking its lines in inappropriate places is because Bozo is

And yet, the clueless John Doe troll has itself posted yet another
incorrectly formatted USENET posting on Fri, 18 Feb 2022 12:37:25 -0000
(UTC) in message-id <suo3u5$dkh$2@dont-email.me>.

This posting is a public service announcement for any google groups
readers who happen by to point out that the John Doe troll does not even
follow it\'s own rules that it uses to troll other posters.

Hey Eddie!

Are you the self-admitted homosexual pedophile, a.k.a...

\"Idaho Homo Joe <dick_lick@aol.com>\"

The pedophile posted to a gaming group, Eddie claims to be a gamer, Eddie
has no USENET posting history under its \"Edward\" alias (besides stalking
me and one post when it was spanked in the electronics repair group), and
both of them post garbage.

Eddie\'s only normal-looking post got a severe spanking...


Edward Hernandez <dtgamer99@gmail.com> wrote:

Path: eternal-september.org!reader02.eternal-september.org!news.uzoreto.com!npeer.as286.net!npeer-ng0.as286.net!peer01.ams1!peer.ams1.xlned.com!news.xlned.com!peer02.ams4!peer.am4.highwinds-media.com!news.highwinds-media.com!fx07.ams4.POSTED!not-for-mail
From: Edward Hernandez <dtgamer99@gmail.com
Subject: Re: OT: Garbage rubber from communist China
Newsgroups: sci.electronics.design,free.spam
References: <sun09g$ip5$1@dont-email.me> <sun4la$359$1@gioia.aioe.org> <suo3u5$dkh$2@dont-email.me
Lines: 22
Message-ID: <ysMPJ.190$vo1.63@usenetxs.com
X-Complaints-To: https://www.astraweb.com/aup
NNTP-Posting-Date: Fri, 18 Feb 2022 12:39:58 UTC
Date: Fri, 18 Feb 2022 12:39:58 GMT
X-Received-Bytes: 1395
Xref: reader02.eternal-september.org sci.electronics.design:660687 free.spam:17235

The John Doe troll stated the following in message-id

The troll doesn\'t even know how to format a USENET post...

And the John Doe troll stated the following in message-id

The reason Bozo cannot figure out how to get Google to keep from
breaking its lines in inappropriate places is because Bozo is

And yet, the clueless John Doe troll has itself posted yet another
incorrectly formatted USENET posting on Fri, 18 Feb 2022 12:37:25 -0000
(UTC) in message-id <suo3u5$dkh$2@dont-email.me>.

This posting is a public service announcement for any google groups
readers who happen by to point out that the John Doe troll does not even
follow it\'s own rules that it uses to troll other posters.

The John Doe troll stated the following in message-id

> The troll doesn\'t even know how to format a USENET post...

And the John Doe troll stated the following in message-id

The reason Bozo cannot figure out how to get Google to keep from
breaking its lines in inappropriate places is because Bozo is

NOBODY likes the John Doe troll\'s contentless spam.

And yet, the clueless John Doe troll has continued to post incorrectly
formatted USENET articles that are devoid of content (latest example on
Fri, 18 Feb 2022 12:42:13 -0000 (UTC) in message-id

This posting is a public service announcement for any google groups
readers who happen by to point out that the John Doe troll does not even
follow the rules it uses to troll other posters.

Say something, Eddie!!!

Are you the self-admitted homosexual pedophile, a.k.a.

\"Idaho Homo Joe <dick_lick@aol.com>\" ?

The pedophile posted to a gaming group, Eddie claims to be a gamer, Eddie
has no USENET posting history under its \"Edward\" alias (besides stalking
me and one post when it was spanked in the electronics repair group), and
both of them post garbage.

Eddie\'s only normal-looking post got a severe spanking...


Edward Hernandez <dtgamer99@gmail.com> wrote:

Path: eternal-september.org!reader02.eternal-september.org!news.mixmin.net!feeder1-2.proxad.net!proxad.net!feeder1-1.proxad.net!!npeer.as286.net!npeer-ng0.as286.net!peer02.ams1!peer.ams1.xlned.com!news.xlned.com!peer01.ams4!peer.am4.highwinds-media.com!news.highwinds-media.com!fx05.ams4.POSTED!not-for-mail
From: Edward Hernandez <dtgamer99@gmail.com
Subject: Re: OT: Garbage rubber from communist China
Newsgroups: sci.electronics.design,free.spam
References: <sun09g$ip5$1@dont-email.me> <sun4la$359$1@gioia.aioe.org> <suo3u5$dkh$2@dont-email.me> <ysMPJ.190$vo1.63@usenetxs.com> <suo474$sts$1@dont-email.me
Lines: 25
Message-ID: <xvMPJ.858196$ajC1.527759@usenetxs.com
X-Complaints-To: https://www.astraweb.com/aup
NNTP-Posting-Date: Fri, 18 Feb 2022 12:43:09 UTC
Date: Fri, 18 Feb 2022 12:43:09 GMT
X-Received-Bytes: 1547
Xref: reader02.eternal-september.org sci.electronics.design:660689 free.spam:17237

The John Doe troll stated the following in message-id

The troll doesn\'t even know how to format a USENET post...

And the John Doe troll stated the following in message-id

The reason Bozo cannot figure out how to get Google to keep from
breaking its lines in inappropriate places is because Bozo is

NOBODY likes the John Doe troll\'s contentless spam.

And yet, the clueless John Doe troll has continued to post incorrectly
formatted USENET articles that are devoid of content (latest example on
Fri, 18 Feb 2022 12:42:13 -0000 (UTC) in message-id

This posting is a public service announcement for any google groups
readers who happen by to point out that the John Doe troll does not even
follow the rules it uses to troll other posters.

The John Doe troll stated the following in message-id

> The troll doesn\'t even know how to format a USENET post...

And the John Doe troll stated the following in message-id

The reason Bozo cannot figure out how to get Google to keep from
breaking its lines in inappropriate places is because Bozo is

And yet, the clueless John Doe troll has itself posted yet another
incorrectly formatted USENET posting on Fri, 18 Feb 2022 12:50:26 -0000
(UTC) in message-id <suo4mi$sts$2@dont-email.me>.

This posting is a public service announcement for any google groups
readers who happen by to point out that the John Doe troll does not even
follow it\'s own rules that it uses to troll other posters.


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