OT: fishing/angling shop item



I tried viewing the 3 most likely usenet fishing groups but only dyslexic
carp on them.
Bought a reel of white , very flexible and very strong for its diameter,
thread from an angling shop. No label on it or the shop display so do not
know what it is for or the material. It will break into twisted fibres.
Probably for tying bait to lures or something like thatNot tried controlled
heating of it but seems relatively high temperature, has a fluourinated/ptfe
feel to it. As in oddments section of the shop, it may be sort of irregular
stock from some other industry, that some local improvising fisherman found
it would seem to be called "ghost cocoon" rather figuratively as like a silk
cocoon, now to find what it is made of.
N_Cook <diverse@tcp.co.uk> wrote in message
it would seem to be called "ghost cocoon" rather figuratively as like a
cocoon, now to find what it is made of.

Whatever it is retains elasticity and integrity after being taken to 220
degree C and melts to a liquid at somewhere less than 370 degree C

Diverse Devices, Southampton, England
electronic hints and repair briefs , schematics/manuals list on
In message <h4jtvb$b4f$1@news.eternal-september.org>, N_Cook
<diverse@tcp.co.uk> writes
I tried viewing the 3 most likely usenet fishing groups but only dyslexic
carp on them.
Bought a reel of white , very flexible and very strong for its diameter,
thread from an angling shop. No label on it or the shop display so do not
know what it is for or the material. It will break into twisted fibres.
Probably for tying bait to lures or something like thatNot tried controlled
heating of it but seems relatively high temperature, has a fluourinated/ptfe
feel to it. As in oddments section of the shop, it may be sort of irregular
stock from some other industry, that some local improvising fisherman found
Sounds like you might have bought 'braid'. Useful because it doesn't
stretch (ideal because you can feel every 'knock' on your bait) and it
can be very strong.
Clint Sharp
Clint Sharp <clint@clintsmc.demon.co.uk> wrote in message
In message <h4jtvb$b4f$1@news.eternal-september.org>, N_Cook
diverse@tcp.co.uk> writes
I tried viewing the 3 most likely usenet fishing groups but only dyslexic
carp on them.
Bought a reel of white , very flexible and very strong for its diameter,
thread from an angling shop. No label on it or the shop display so do not
know what it is for or the material. It will break into twisted fibres.
Probably for tying bait to lures or something like thatNot tried
heating of it but seems relatively high temperature, has a
feel to it. As in oddments section of the shop, it may be sort of
stock from some other industry, that some local improvising fisherman
Sounds like you might have bought 'braid'. Useful because it doesn't
stretch (ideal because you can feel every 'knock' on your bait) and it
can be very strong.

Clint Sharp
The version I have is probably a twisted version of this
just the "cocoon" without the surrounding tube/feed/packaging
Unstretched is about 0.5mm diameter
UTS about 500gm and elasticity about 20 gm to double the length, elasticity
and integrity survives 220 degree C.
So twisting up a few lengths of this looks ideal for tying back those
vertically mounted , if unsupported then oscillating, banks of emitter
resistors in combo amps or holding-in inverted ECC83 etc where there is no
springs or screening cans

Diverse Devices, Southampton, England
electronic hints and repair briefs , schematics/manuals list on

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