I tried viewing the 3 most likely usenet fishing groups but only dyslexic
carp on them.
Bought a reel of white , very flexible and very strong for its diameter,
thread from an angling shop. No label on it or the shop display so do not
know what it is for or the material. It will break into twisted fibres.
Probably for tying bait to lures or something like thatNot tried controlled
heating of it but seems relatively high temperature, has a fluourinated/ptfe
feel to it. As in oddments section of the shop, it may be sort of irregular
stock from some other industry, that some local improvising fisherman found
carp on them.
Bought a reel of white , very flexible and very strong for its diameter,
thread from an angling shop. No label on it or the shop display so do not
know what it is for or the material. It will break into twisted fibres.
Probably for tying bait to lures or something like thatNot tried controlled
heating of it but seems relatively high temperature, has a fluourinated/ptfe
feel to it. As in oddments section of the shop, it may be sort of irregular
stock from some other industry, that some local improvising fisherman found