Jan Panteltje
Even a rat can do it, Mr Elon
Electronic design is next
All neural nets
So, I was thinking...
How To Teach A Rat Electronics,
and came up with a basic experiment:
We give a male rat 3 things,
1 a tuned MW circuit to our AM transmitter
2 a Ge diode (OA79 comes to mind)
3 insert a crystal ear-piece in the rats ear.
Then we transmitter the sound of female rats.
We once show (use sticky wires or something) the configuration
of the 3 components where it hears our transmissions,
Maybe enhance reward by allowing it to see female rat etc..
And there you are, after X runs rat will figure how to connect the stuff.
Modern 'tronics is much like putting eesees together anyways,,,
In part 2 of the experiment we will let the rats use a tuning capacitor
and transmit 2 signals...
If / when it all works we have cheap labor
US Precedent will love it, now he can compete with the rest of the world.
<copyright Jan Panteltje 2019 and higher>