OT: Documentation on the Traitor Bush


Rich Grise

So, you say you want facts?
An Attack on Democracy

The Bush White House is the most corrupt we have seen in recent history.

Dr. Robert Abele

08/31/04 "ICH" The November presidential election is arguably the most
important one in at least fifty years. As citizens, we are being asked
whether or not to "continue the course" that we are on as a country.
Stated another way, we are being asked whether or not we want to keep the
current regime in power in the White House. However, a better question
for this election year is why would we want to keep the Bush
administration in power, given their misdeeds these past three years?
"Misdeeds" is perhaps an understatement, but whatever term one uses, the
important case to be made is that the Bush White House is the most corrupt
one we have seen in recent history. By "corrupt," I mean that the actions
and policies of the Bush administration are unconstitutional, undemocratic
in principle, unethical, and/or illegal. Although the misdeeds that
characterize this administration are almost innumerable, I will limit my
examples for sake of space.
[much valuable info snipped - please see link]
And a bibliography:
For example, character, goals of global dominance, international law
violations, diplomatic arrogance, etc.
2 Detroit Free Press, 2002.
3 Milbank, Dana. "White House Puts Limits on Queries From Democrats," The
Washington Post, November 9, 2003.
4 bid., p. 227.
5 See www.humanrightswatch.org
[vi] For more, see John Dean, Worse Than Watergate, Chapter Two. [vii] See
Elisabeth Bumiller, "Trying to Bypass the Good-News Filter,"
New York Times, October 20, 2003.
[viii] See www.newamericancentury.org, under "Rebuilding America's
Defenses." [ix] See Seymour Hersh, "The Stovepipe," New Yorker, October
27, 2-3;
also David Armstrong, "Dick Cheney's Song of America," Harper's, October,
2002. See also the Washington Post, "Shadow Government is at Work in
Secret," March 1, 2002.
[x] Robert Scheer, "Thread of Abuse Runs to the Oval Office," The Los
Angeles Times, May 11, 2004.
[xi] One may look these orders up at www.whitehouse.gov. [xii] On November
13, 2001, President Bush issued a military order
regarding the "Detention, Treatment, and Trial of Certain Non-Citizens in
the War Against Terrorism." Once this presidential determination is made
concerning an individual, the order directs that federal agents detain
that person "at an appropriate location designated by the Secretary of
Defense outside or within the United States." Note that the judicial
process has been completely circumvented.
[xiii] John Podesta, "Need to Know: Governing in Secret," in Richard C.
Leone, The War on Our Freedoms, op. cit., Chapter 9.
[xiv]www.commondreams.org, July 17, 2004 [xv] Frederick Clarkston, Eternal
Hostility; see also Church & State
magazine for regular detailing of this claim.
[xvi] See Church & State, June, 2004. The entire issue is devoted to
exposing the anti-gay marriage movement, its roots in the right-wing
churches and political groups, and President Bush's quiet involvement
with them.
[xvii] Rick Perlstein, "The Jesus Landing Pad," Village Voice, May 18,
2004. most chilling is the comment made by the group's director, Pastor
Upton, that they represent the "theocratic" voice in Washington!
[xviii] Eric Lichtblau, "Bush Plans to Let Religious Groups Get Building
Aid," New York Times, January 23, 2003.
[xix] Newsweek, March 10, 2003.
[xx] Maggie Fox, "Bush Administration 'Distorts Science' Report,"
Reuters, February 18, 2004.
[xxi] See www.bushgreewatch.org, April 20, 2004. [xxii] Ibid., March 3,
[xxiii] Kennedy did much more than this. In a blistering column, he
chronicles the horrendous environmental record of the Bush
administration, and accuses Mr. Bush of being "America's worst
environmental president[having] initiated more than 200 major rollbacks
of America's environmental laws, weakening the protection of our
country's air, water, public land and wildlife. Cloaked in meticulously
crafted language designed to deceive the public," Robert F. Kennedy,
"Crimes Against Nature," Rolling Stone, November 23, 2003.
[xxiv] Dean, p. 162.
[xxv] Ibid., p. 166.
[xxvi] Geoffrey Lean, "Melting Ice 'Will Swamp Capitals'," Independent
U.K., December 7, 2003; see also Steve Connor, "'U.S. Climate Policy
Bigger Threat to World Than Terrorism," Independent U.K., January 9,
[xxvii] Paul Harris, "Bush Covers Up Climate Research," The Observer,
September 21, 2003.
[xxviii] Geoffrey Lean, "Melting Ice 'Will Swamp Capitals'," Independent
U.K., December 7, 2003.
[xxix] Steve Connor, "'U.S. Climate Policy Bigger Threat to World Than
Terrorism," Independent U.K., January 9, 2004.
[xxx] Eliot Spitzer, "Regulation Begins at Home," New York Times,
November 17, 2003.
[xxxi] Richard A. Oppel Jr. and Christopher Drew, "Senators and Attorneys
General Seek Investigation into EPA Rules Change," New York Times,
November 7, 2003; see also Seth Borenstein, "Fewer Polluters Punished
Under Bush Administration, Records Show," Knight/Ridder/Tribune News
Service, December 9, 2003; see also Michael McCarthy, "A Year of Extremes
Provides Evidence of Global Warming," The Independent U.K., December 3,
2003; see also "A Pollutant by Any Other Name," New York Times, February
22, 2003.
[xxxii] See "Bush Plan Excludes Public From Environmental Review,"
Greenwatch Today, July 28, 2004.
[xxxiii] Felicity Barringer, "Bush Seeks Shift in Logging Rules," New
York Times, July 13, 2004.
[xxxiv] Lisa Leff, "Primate Expert Calls Bush's Environmental Record
'Terrifying'," Newsday, October 12, 2003.
[xxxv] The Daily Mislead, November 20, 2003. [xxxvi] "EPA's Mercury
Proposal: More Toxic Pollution for a Longer Time,"
The Natural Resources Defense Council, December 5, 2003; see also The
Daily Mislead, November 12, 2003.
[xxxvii] See, for example, James Madison, "Report on Alien and Sedition
Acts," and Thomas Jefferson's comments on the Articles of Confederation.
[xxxviii] Bob Herbert, "Mugging the Needy," New York Times, April 3, 2003.
[xxxix] Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, January 16 and January
26, 2004.
[xl] www.daily.misleader.org.
[xli] Bill Moyers, "The Fight of Our Lives," Keynote speech, Inequality
Matters Forum, New York University, June 3, 2004.
[xlii] "In the New Economics: Fast-Food Factories?," New York Times,
February 20, 2004.
[xliii] The Daily Mislead, December 23, 2004. [xliv] Chicago Tribune,
August 4, 2003. [xlv] Community College Week, February 17, 2003. [xlvi]
The Daily Mislead, January 7, 2004. [xlvii] Katherine Stapp, "Overtime Pay
for Millions of Americans in
Peril," Inter Press Service, January 15, 2004.
[xlviii] www.whitehouse.gov/omb/budget/fy2004/va.html. [xlix]
www.Bloomberg.com, July 23, 2004. [l] David Corn, "Beat the Press, The
Nation, February 8, 2004. [li] "Bush's Military Record Under Fire," The
Washington Post, February
4, 2004.
[lii] "Pentagon Says Bush Records of Service Were Destroyed," New York
Times, July 9, 2004.
[liii] "c-f" from David Corn in The Nation. [liv] See John Dean, Worse
Than Watergate, , Chapter Two, pages 44-50. [lv] David Corn, "The Latest
Bush Gang Whoppers," The Nation, September
15, 2003.
[lvi] T. Christian Miller and Peter Wallsten, "Grand Jury Steps Up
Inquiry into Possible Halliburton Ties to Iran," Los Angeles Times, July
21, 2004.
[lvii] Amy Goldstein, "Foster: White House Had Role in Withholding
Medicare Data," Washington Post, March 19, 2004; see also The Daily
Mislead, July 14, 2004.
[lviii] Ibid., March 16, 2004.
[lix] For more, see John Dean, Worse Than Watergate, Chapter Two. [lx] See
the Center for Public Integrity, www.publicintegrity.org. [lxi] See "Bush
Protestors Arrested," The Nuclear Register, November 4,
2002, for just one chronicle of the many arrested for speaking out
against Mr. Bush while in his vicinity.
[lxii] For one example, see the case of Jonathon C. Randel, who leaked a
nonclassified document to a British journalist. Mr. Bush had the
Attorney General prosecute him on twenty-two counts of breaking various
laws. See Dean, op. cit., Chapter Three.
[lxiii] See USA Today, August 4, 2004. [lxiv] Mike Allen and Susan
Schmidt, "Four Senators Criticize Leak
Probe," Washington Post, October 10, 2003.
[lxv] It is very easily to compile an extensive list (I have my own
list), but for a good shorthand version, see John Dean, ibid., pages
138-140. Dean's list includes these gems: 1) Lying about an
International Atomic Energy Committee report that Saddam Hussein was just
"six months away from developing [a nuclear] weapon," when no such report
existed; 2) claiming that one of the 9/11 hijackers, Mohamed Atta, met
with Iraqi intelligence officials prior to their attack, when there was
never a shred of evidence indicating this; 3) Iraq trained al Qaeda
members, when no one in any intelligence community ever brought forth
this charge or evidence for it; 4) that Iraq was rebuilding its nuclear
weapons facilities, when there was no evidence that this was true.
[lxvi] The Washington Post has covered this story regularly since May,
but the latest installment is on August 4, 2004.
[lxvii] "The Roots of Torture," Newsweek, May 24, 2004. [lxviii] Seymour
Hersh, ACLU speech, quoted in The Daily Mislead, July 15, 2004. [lxix] See
David Sirota and Christy Harvey, "They Knew" In These
Times, August 3, 2004. For much more detail on this issue, and a very
solid case for impeachment, see John Dean, ibid., pages 140-156.
[lxx] "CIA Warned White House that Links Between Iraq and Qaeda Were
'Murky'," New York Times, July 10, 2004.
[lxxi] There are numerous reports about this lack of a connection, but a
telling story comes from a former CIA analyst who was head of the "bin
Laden unit" of the CIA, in his book entitled Imperial Hubris: Why the
West is Losing the War on Terror.
[lxxii] Cliff Montgomery, "A Corporate Free-for-All Becomes a
Fee-for-All," The Washington Spectator, July 15, 2004.
[lxxiii] See, for instance, Isabel Hilton, "The 800lb Gorilla in American
Foreign Policy," The Guardian U.K., July 28, 2004. See also Andrew
Buncombe and Kim Sengupta, "Secret Jails Hold 10,000," New Zealand
Herald, May 15, 2004.
[lxxiv] David Corn, "Bush's Latest U.S. Visit: More Misleading," The
Nation, September 23, 2003. [lxxv] The O'Neill book is entitled The Price
of Loyalty; the Clarke book [lxxvi] "Report Details Bush-Blair Meeting on
Iraq," Associated Press, April 4, 2004.
[lxxvii] "U.S. Decision on Iraq Has Puzzling Past," The Washington Post,
January 1, 2003.
[lxxviii] His comments were made in a meeting with the Council on Foreign
Relations, and were quoted in The Daily Mislead, March 28, 2004.
[lxxix] Dana Milbank, "Curtains Ordered for Media Coverage of Returning
Coffins," New York Times, October 21, 2003.
[lxxx] See "God's Diplomacy and Human Conflict: The Costs of Coalition
Building," www.samvak.tripod.com/brief; see also "Arms, Aid, and the War
With Iraq," www.fas.org/gulfwar2/at/.

Remember, Bush is a dangerous liar.

On Tue, 02 Nov 2004 02:04:44 GMT, Rich Grise <rich@example.net> wrote:

"Misdeeds" is perhaps an understatement, but whatever term one uses, the
important case to be made is that the Bush White House is the most corrupt
one we have seen in recent history. By "corrupt," I mean that the actions
and policies of the Bush administration are unconstitutional, undemocratic
in principle, unethical, and/or illegal. Although the misdeeds that
characterize this administration are almost innumerable, I will limit my
examples for sake of space.

For example, character, goals of global dominance, international law
violations, diplomatic arrogance, etc.

None of those are violations of US law.

In article <dpudo0506moo1tbicq0jtslovakji8e4c6@4ax.com>,
John Larkin <jjlarkin@highlandSNIPtechTHISnologyPLEASE.com> writes:
On Tue, 02 Nov 2004 02:04:44 GMT, Rich Grise <rich@example.net> wrote:

"Misdeeds" is perhaps an understatement, but whatever term one uses, the
important case to be made is that the Bush White House is the most corrupt
one we have seen in recent history. By "corrupt," I mean that the actions
and policies of the Bush administration are unconstitutional, undemocratic
in principle, unethical, and/or illegal. Although the misdeeds that
characterize this administration are almost innumerable, I will limit my
examples for sake of space.

For example, character, goals of global dominance, international law
violations, diplomatic arrogance, etc.

None of those are violations of US law.

Each/most of which is perpetrated by China, Russia and especially France.

The difference is that the standards have historically been higher for
the US, but maybe it is time for us to play the game on a more even
basis (where instead of avoiding imperialism, yet always being
accused of it, maybe we should act more like France and take a truly
arrogant and imperialistic attitude?) Well, maybe not... Being like
China, Russia or France would be much uglier (in reality) than the
US is now.


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