Rich Grise
John Kerry gets elected by a chad, announces his intention to withdraw from
Iraq as soon as is practicable, and to cease air strikes; in general, quit
acting like invaders. Bush decides that if he's gonna make his mark on
history, he better do it quick, so he orders just a huge "escalation" in
attacks and stuff, to the point where either:
A) The military mutinies in the face of such insanity
B) He gets away with it until inauguration day, when, three seconds after
taking oath, Kerry has Bush arrested and clapped in irons, as a traitor. He
stands down in Iraq, recalls the troops, and tells the world, "When we're
done with our treason tribunal, we'll let you guys pick over the carcass."
Iraq as soon as is practicable, and to cease air strikes; in general, quit
acting like invaders. Bush decides that if he's gonna make his mark on
history, he better do it quick, so he orders just a huge "escalation" in
attacks and stuff, to the point where either:
A) The military mutinies in the face of such insanity
B) He gets away with it until inauguration day, when, three seconds after
taking oath, Kerry has Bush arrested and clapped in irons, as a traitor. He
stands down in Iraq, recalls the troops, and tells the world, "When we're
done with our treason tribunal, we'll let you guys pick over the carcass."