Title says it all.

For trying to get a terrorist supporter out of prison and released.
On Friday, October 11, 2019 at 11:12:17 AM UTC-5, DecadentLinux...@decadence.org wrote:
Title says it all.

For trying to get a terrorist supporter out of prison and released.

Typical liberal, no facts, no specifics. Here are some facts, he is not going to be impeached and he is going to win in 2020. I'll bet my left nut on it.

Wht is it you hate so much ? The fact that people are getting jobs ? The fact that the trade table is being leveled so your companies can better compete ?

What sis they tell you ? Racist ? Bullshit. Homohobe ? Bullshit. Start WW3, I don't see it, he had plenty of time.

You hate him because you have been TOLD to hate him. You can't come up with ONE SINGLE FUNKING THING THAT IS FOR SURE TRUE.

And a politician lies ? Well first of all did that just start ?? AND, they claim he told more lies than the times he even said anything.

Prove me wrong and not with opinion and conclusions, WITH FACTS.

You can't do it and that is why he is going to be boss until 2025.
jurb6006@gmail.com wrote in

On Friday, October 11, 2019 at 11:12:17 AM UTC-5,
DecadentLinux...@decadence.org wrote:
Title says it all.

For trying to get a terrorist supporter out of prison and


Not typical. But your stupidity is.

> liberal,

Not a liberal, but your retarded presumption cements the statement
I just made above.

> no facts, no specifics.

Are you really that fucking stupid? You, like Trump sit there,
zero news, and zero clue as to recent events.

YES, you stupid fuck. GO LOOK AT THE NEWS. He tried to get the
SDNY feds to release a guy they were prosecuting for brokering
billions in transactions with Iran that circumnavigated the sanctions
they were under.

Here, IDIOT!
Reza Zarrab BUSTED and in jail since 2016 for HELPING Iran, and
the very asshole against Iran pushes for his release.

Trump asked Tillerson to press the DOJ to release him. Tillerson
resigned. Oh, and the terrorist's lawyer is guess who? Guiliani.

Trump is a characterless bastard and he is dumber than dogshit.

Here are some facts, he
is not going to be impeached and he is going to win in 2020. I'll
bet my left nut on it.

You stated ZERO facts. Good job, childish Trumpanzee punk.

Wht is it you hate so much ? The fact that people are getting jobs
? The fact that the trade table is being leveled so your companies
can better compete ?

What are you mumbling about, boy? Trump did exactly NOTHING for

What sis they tell you ? Racist ? Bullshit. Homohobe ? Bullshit.
Start WW3, I don't see it, he had plenty of time.

He already started shit in Syria, and that is going to cause a
festering pustule of war that will have to be addressed. That could
easily blossom into a greater war in the region.

The Syrian leader needs to go. Trump is too stupid to make the
right damning statments that need to be made.

He instead mentally masterbates on a texting app. How quaint.

> You hate him because you have been TOLD to hate him.

No, you retarded fuck. I have hated him for years, and that
started before the stupid fuck even ran the first time.

You can't

You're mumbling again. I am not "coming up" with anything. It is
in the news, IDIOT.

> And a politician lies ?

Can't be any worse than a retarded fuck like you placing a space
between your sentence end and the punctuation. NO SPACE, IDIOT.

> Well first of all did that just start ??

No, Trump and Guiliani have been abuing our nation's highest office
since day one.

AND, they claim he told more lies than the times he even said

You're an idiot. Oh, and you are a liar, fuckhead!

> Prove me wrong and not with opinion and conclusions, WITH FACTS.

Prove you wrong? All you have been doing is retarded little child
mumblings. There is nothing to prove against, dumbfuck! Bwuahahaha!

Go READ or WATCH some news, idiot.

> You can't do it and that is why he is going to be boss until 2025.

Donald J. Trump deserves 20 years at GITMO for 20 counts, all to be
served consecutively. THAT is what the ZERO integrity, ZERO
character, NYC shyster landlord mentality CRIMINAL deserves to get.

On Sunday, October 13, 2019 at 1:12:25 PM UTC+11, jurb...@gmail.com wrote:
On Friday, October 11, 2019 at 11:12:17 AM UTC-5, DecadentLinux...@decadence.org wrote:
Title says it all.

For trying to get a terrorist supporter out of prison and released.

Typical liberal, no facts, no specifics. Here are some facts, he is not going to be impeached and he is going to win in 2020. I'll bet my left nut on it.

What is it you hate so much ? The fact that people are getting jobs ? The fact that the trade table is being leveled so your companies can better compete?

The trade table is - in fact - being tilted in favour of the US. This doesn't work as well as Trump likes to think, because the net effect is a decline in international trade, which means that the world economy is growing less rapidly than it was before he started meddling.

> What sis they tell you ? Racist ? Bullshit. Homohobe ? Bullshit. Start WW3, I don't see it, he had plenty of time.

He's definitely racist. Homophobe - may be.


The message seems to be more than he's an unprincipled liar who will say anything that gets his current audience onside.

> You hate him because you have been TOLD to hate him. You can't come up with ONE SINGLE FUNKING THING THAT IS FOR SURE TRUE.

Wrong. We despise him because he's an unprincipled liar who can't be bothered to work out what he ought to do, and will do anything that looks like getting him an immediate boost in popularity.

> And a politician lies ? Well first of all did that just start ?? AND, they claim he told more lies than the times he even said anything.



He's uniquely deceitful, even for a politician.

Prove me wrong and not with opinion and conclusions, WITH FACTS.

You can't do it and that is why he is going to be boss until 2025.

It's not difficult to demonstrate that Donald Trump has been a liar all his life.

We'll have to wait a bit to see if he can win the next election - if he hasn't been impeached before then - but his current popularity rating isn't a good basis for a successful election campaign.


Bill Sloman, Sydney

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