OT... cleaning wood stove glass



Hi, All.
Somewhat OT... not real science (but related), not electronics and
it's maintenance rather than repair...
You can clean the inside of the glass of a wood stove very effectively
by using automotive "Bug and Tar Remover". It works at least as well
as specialized wood stove products, costs less and is easily found in
automotive supply stores like Canadian Tire in Canada.
Now back to my radio restoration hobby - I have a 1948 Viking 5-tube
AM-only superhet on the bench... chassis recapped, re-aligned and
working, now to face the cabinet...
On Mon, 1 Aug 2011 08:58:30 -0700 (PDT), Engineer
<junk2007@rogers.com> wrote:

Somewhat OT... not real science (but related), not electronics and
it's maintenance rather than repair...
You can clean the inside of the glass of a wood stove very effectively
by using automotive "Bug and Tar Remover". It works at least as well
as specialized wood stove products, costs less and is easily found in
automotive supply stores like Canadian Tire in Canada.
Just what are you burning that requires such extreme cleaning?
Creosote saturated telephone poles or railroad ties? Bug and tar
remover is some heavy duty petrolium solvent, which might be useful
for removing such muck, but you shouldn't be burning it in the first
place. The recommended cleaner is water, ammonia, and elbow grease.
If the fire is hot enough, it will not fog the glass. If you find
that you're condensing tree sap (creosote) on the glass, then you're
not getting complete combustion and are probably also consensing the
creosote in your flue pipe. You might check for an accumulation
before you have a chimney fire. A handfull of salt on a hot fire will

Now back to my radio restoration hobby - I have a 1948 Viking 5-tube
AM-only superhet on the bench... chassis recapped, re-aligned and
working, now to face the cabinet...
Sounds like a nice project. When you get it working, let me know if
you hear anything that was broadcast in 1948.

Jeff Liebermann jeffl@cruzio.com
150 Felker St #D http://www.LearnByDestroying.com
Santa Cruz CA 95060 http://802.11junk.com
Skype: JeffLiebermann AE6KS 831-336-2558

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