Chris Carlen
I was disappointed by the debate Friday. Here's one minor reason why:
President Bush said something to the effect of "there are rumors, out
there on the internet, about a military draft..."
After he said that I went to my computer and typed in "HR 163" to
Google, and came up with this:
I'd hardly call that "a rumor, out there on the internet."
It appears there was a motion to suspend the rules and pass, which
failed 402-2:
But I don't know whether this means the bill is dead, or can still pass
through the normal procedures, whatever those are.
Oddly (or maybe not), it was 2 Democrats who voted for it.
Kerry in the debate said nothing. I think both of them were deceptive
about this issue. Bush distorted almost to the level of a plain lie,
and Kerry deceived through his silence. I would be shocked if they were
truly ignorant of such a bill, but I suppose it's possible, in which
case I retract my criticisms. But it is still depressing how uninformed
the populace is, and how useless the mainstream media has become.
Good day?
Christopher R. Carlen
SuSE 9.1 Linux 2.6.5
I was disappointed by the debate Friday. Here's one minor reason why:
President Bush said something to the effect of "there are rumors, out
there on the internet, about a military draft..."
After he said that I went to my computer and typed in "HR 163" to
Google, and came up with this:
I'd hardly call that "a rumor, out there on the internet."
It appears there was a motion to suspend the rules and pass, which
failed 402-2:
But I don't know whether this means the bill is dead, or can still pass
through the normal procedures, whatever those are.
Oddly (or maybe not), it was 2 Democrats who voted for it.
Kerry in the debate said nothing. I think both of them were deceptive
about this issue. Bush distorted almost to the level of a plain lie,
and Kerry deceived through his silence. I would be shocked if they were
truly ignorant of such a bill, but I suppose it's possible, in which
case I retract my criticisms. But it is still depressing how uninformed
the populace is, and how useless the mainstream media has become.
Good day?
Christopher R. Carlen
SuSE 9.1 Linux 2.6.5