Bruce Varley
Had a chuckle last night when I heard on ABC news that Australia has offered
to send 'nuclear specialists' to Japan to assist in the problems that
they're having with their power plants. Australia, which runs one tinpot
reactor that they purchased from Argentina of all countries, and which has
zero operating experience with power reactors.
I presume that the response from Japan would have been whatever polite
gesture diplomats use when they want to say 'thanks, but you must be
to send 'nuclear specialists' to Japan to assist in the problems that
they're having with their power plants. Australia, which runs one tinpot
reactor that they purchased from Argentina of all countries, and which has
zero operating experience with power reactors.
I presume that the response from Japan would have been whatever polite
gesture diplomats use when they want to say 'thanks, but you must be