Rod Out Back
Not really on topic, but there's a bit of lack of such places to ask...
Has anyone ever seen christmas-tree lights that operate on 12 or 24v DC for
sale in Australia? All I have seen are either 240v AC or 24v AC. Havent
seen any DC units. I must ahve looked at about 15 different brands so far,
but nothing operating in DC.
I wondered if anyone had seen such a beast for sale online? Getting an AC
source is going to be too cost-prohibitive for what I want.
Rod.......Out Back
Not really on topic, but there's a bit of lack of such places to ask...
Has anyone ever seen christmas-tree lights that operate on 12 or 24v DC for
sale in Australia? All I have seen are either 240v AC or 24v AC. Havent
seen any DC units. I must ahve looked at about 15 different brands so far,
but nothing operating in DC.
I wondered if anyone had seen such a beast for sale online? Getting an AC
source is going to be too cost-prohibitive for what I want.
Rod.......Out Back