OT: 12v DC Christmas Lights??


Rod Out Back


Not really on topic, but there's a bit of lack of such places to ask...

Has anyone ever seen christmas-tree lights that operate on 12 or 24v DC for
sale in Australia? All I have seen are either 240v AC or 24v AC. Havent
seen any DC units. I must ahve looked at about 15 different brands so far,
but nothing operating in DC.

I wondered if anyone had seen such a beast for sale online? Getting an AC
source is going to be too cost-prohibitive for what I want.


Rod.......Out Back
"Rod Out Back" <someone@IHATESPAM.BIGPOND.COM> wrote in message

Not really on topic, but there's a bit of lack of such places to ask...

Has anyone ever seen christmas-tree lights that operate on 12 or 24v DC
for sale in Australia? All I have seen are either 240v AC or 24v AC.
Havent seen any DC units. I must ahve looked at about 15 different brands
so far, but nothing operating in DC.

I wondered if anyone had seen such a beast for sale online? Getting an AC
source is going to be too cost-prohibitive for what I want.
**Any of the LED Christmas lights (and there are lots of them) will do the
job. Even better, the colours are more pure and blues much brighter. They
last pretty much forever too.

Trevor Wilson
i got some led sets from bigW $29 each for white/colour 150 led's each
string They dont get warm, dont tangle, and colours are pure as.
"Rod Out Back"
Not really on topic, but there's a bit of lack of such places to ask...

Has anyone ever seen christmas-tree lights that operate on 12 or 24v DC
for sale in Australia? All I have seen are either 240v AC or 24v AC.
Havent seen any DC units. I must ahve looked at about 15 different brands
so far, but nothing operating in DC.

** Hey man - have I got news for YOU !!!

Electric light bulbs work on DC and on AC !!!!!!!!!!!

Way cool - eh ??????

........... Phil
On 2005-12-04, Rod Out Back <someone@IHATESPAM.BIGPOND.COM> wrote:

Not really on topic, but there's a bit of lack of such places to ask...

Has anyone ever seen christmas-tree lights that operate on 12 or 24v DC for
sale in Australia? All I have seen are either 240v AC or 24v AC. Havent
seen any DC units. I must ahve looked at about 15 different brands so far,
but nothing operating in DC.

I wondered if anyone had seen such a beast for sale online? Getting an AC
source is going to be too cost-prohibitive for what I want.
AC poower supplies are cheaper to manufacture than DC ones and lamps don't
care if it's AC or DC.

24V lamps should work fine off 24V DC.


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