OScope on PC Serial Port



I recently built an oscilloscope project that connects to a PC via a
serial port:


It uses an ADC0820 ACD converter and a multiplexor and was real easy
to put together. The owner of the web page has a demo version of
software freely available that is limited to fixed time and voltage
display scales.

I have offered to pay the software author the registration fee for
program to "unlock" the demo version and allow use of the voltage and
time scaling functions but have not made much headway. Has anyone run
across this project before or knows of a similar software program that
would be able to read data from this project? Thanks in advance for
any information the group is able to provide.

On 18 Jul 2004 06:17:47 -0700, spm_sux@msn.com (Bill) wrote:

I recently built an oscilloscope project that connects to a PC via a
serial port:


It uses an ADC0820 ACD converter and a multiplexor and was real easy
to put together. The owner of the web page has a demo version of
software freely available that is limited to fixed time and voltage
display scales.

I have offered to pay the software author the registration fee for
program to "unlock" the demo version and allow use of the voltage and
time scaling functions but have not made much headway. Has anyone run
across this project before or knows of a similar software program that
would be able to read data from this project? Thanks in advance for
any information the group is able to provide.

Actually, this project uses a *parallel* port, not a serial

I have no info on this project. However, if you just want
an inexpensive PC scope, you might want to check out
my Daqarta software with the LPTX driver. The ADC
"board" can be as simple as a handful of resistors wired
into a connector shell. (Some ports with uneven bit drive
levels may need a '373 buffer.) The resistors are just
an 8-bit R-2R ladder DAC, and the PC is doing all the work
to drive it as a successive approximation ADC. So the
top sample rate is usually around 40 kHz.

With the Daqarta software you not only have complete access to
sensitivity and time-base, you also have a built-in spectrum
analyzer, spectrograms, histograms, signal averaging, etc.
And you can use the same LPTX gadget in DAC mode with
Daqarta to generate a huge variety of signals. (This simple
circuit won't acquire and generate at the same time, however.)

Hope this helps!

Bob Masta

Data AcQuisition And Real-Time Analysis

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