Winfield Hill
continued OT from the thread, Looking for pulse-rated zener.
colin wrote...
due to the series connection, you think? As opposed to just the
bottom MOSFET by itself? How high was the FET operating current
when you observed oscillation?
Let's evaluate the scene.
For a series-connected MOSFET the current gain is unity from DC
to a frequency f_T = g_m / 2pi Ciss, where the gate capacitance
robs the ac signal current away from the FET's source path. For
a BJT, the transconductance gm = Ic/Vt = 40 Ic. It's lower for
power MOSFETs, g_m = Id/nVt in the subthreshold region, where
n = 3 to 5, according to my measurements. So here a MOSFET has
3 to 5x lower g_m than a BJT at the same current. Above the
FET's threshold gate voltage, where the currents are from 5 to
100% of the FET's maximum operating current, g_m still rises
with current, but at a much slower rate.
I would think the bottom line is, you need to work within say
20% or higher of the FET's maximum current to get its g_m, and
thus f_T, high enough to take part in serious RF oscillation.
While operation at such a high voltage and current is practical
for a few milliseconds, I imagine it'd create too much power
dissipation to do continuously.
This means most continuous linear use of power MOSFETs occurs
in the subthreshold region, where the g_m/Id ratio is higher,
but where the transistor's f_T remains low, say under 20MHz.
For example, I'm using fqd2n100 surface-mount 2A 1kV FETs in
a series-connected amplifier. At the maximum current of 4mA
with 400V across the FET, it dissipates about 1.6W, pushing the
junction temperature up by about 90C, which is as high as I'm
comfortable to go. This FET has Ciss = 400pF. At 4mA it has
g_m = 32mS, which means its f_T = 13MHz. Oops! that's getting
into a dangerous region. If I was using a similar MOSFET, with
heatsinks, at currents higher than 4mA, there could be trouble.
- Win
colin wrote...
Hmm, oscillation for a high-voltage string of MOSFETS in series,Winfield Hill wrote ...
colin wrote...
Winfield Hill wrote ...
This active-zener method works well with low-voltage power MOSFETs,
such as under 100V, but it's dangerous with high-voltage FETs, 200V
and up, because they have a bad tendency to go into RF oscillation.
This is a high-power RF oscillation at frequencies of 15 to 40MHz,
which is very difficult to damp with external parts such a ferrite
beads, gate resistors, etc. That's because the RF oscillation is
internal to the FET, employing its inductance and self capacitance.
The required linear properties occur whenever a high current flows
while the drain-source voltage is higher than 10 to 20V. The latter
condition causes the FET capacitances to drop to the levels where RF
amplification is efficient.
If the RF feedback path is wholy internal how would this affect the
method of using a higher gate drive resistance to slow the current
fall to limit the voltage to less than the breakdown voltage?
Two different effects... The slowing of the turnoff means the
coil can flyback and dI/dt discharge as it's doing so, without
reaching the avalanche voltage, if carefully done.
or does the zener just add more parasitics to make the difference?
You're asking if oscillation doesn't happen in the event of a
slowed transition, as in the zener case? It certainly can with
high-voltage MOSFETs, although the dV/dt slewing output helps to
hide it, on the one hand, and perhaps to dampen it, on the other.
Yes thanks thats what i was asking, as both cases have the vds>20v
at high curent. Trying to think of a way of avoiding it yet still
using a more deterministic way of setting the peak voltage.
Actually i was wondering if a cascode mosfet arangement would behave
any better, again it might make it less noticable as the bottom device
would stay more in control of the current, although i would be worried
about this as long ago I had some nasty oscilations when i was trying
to make a high voltage power supply with several series mosfets (600v
mosfets were very limited at the time), but unfortunatly i never had
the time (or the experience back then) to get to the bottom of all
the diferent modes of oscilations.
due to the series connection, you think? As opposed to just the
bottom MOSFET by itself? How high was the FET operating current
when you observed oscillation?
Let's evaluate the scene.
For a series-connected MOSFET the current gain is unity from DC
to a frequency f_T = g_m / 2pi Ciss, where the gate capacitance
robs the ac signal current away from the FET's source path. For
a BJT, the transconductance gm = Ic/Vt = 40 Ic. It's lower for
power MOSFETs, g_m = Id/nVt in the subthreshold region, where
n = 3 to 5, according to my measurements. So here a MOSFET has
3 to 5x lower g_m than a BJT at the same current. Above the
FET's threshold gate voltage, where the currents are from 5 to
100% of the FET's maximum operating current, g_m still rises
with current, but at a much slower rate.
I would think the bottom line is, you need to work within say
20% or higher of the FET's maximum current to get its g_m, and
thus f_T, high enough to take part in serious RF oscillation.
While operation at such a high voltage and current is practical
for a few milliseconds, I imagine it'd create too much power
dissipation to do continuously.
This means most continuous linear use of power MOSFETs occurs
in the subthreshold region, where the g_m/Id ratio is higher,
but where the transistor's f_T remains low, say under 20MHz.
For example, I'm using fqd2n100 surface-mount 2A 1kV FETs in
a series-connected amplifier. At the maximum current of 4mA
with 400V across the FET, it dissipates about 1.6W, pushing the
junction temperature up by about 90C, which is as high as I'm
comfortable to go. This FET has Ciss = 400pF. At 4mA it has
g_m = 32mS, which means its f_T = 13MHz. Oops! that's getting
into a dangerous region. If I was using a similar MOSFET, with
heatsinks, at currents higher than 4mA, there could be trouble.
- Win