Shawn Lin
I have an Oritron NPD3117 networked DVD player.
It's very similar (runs the same software and UI) as the GoVideo
D2730, Gateway Connected DVD Player, and Amoisonic NDP9200.
After months of sitting idle in "standby" mode, I turned it on to
discover the DVD part of it had quit working and the VFD was
displaying gibberish.
I probed all the output voltages on the SMPS, and found a +5V was out
of spec, reading around 2.8 to 3V. Upon closer examination of the
SMPS, I found a swollen 100uF 16V capacitor in location C18. ESR of
the cap measured at 32, so it was definitely bad. I replaced it with
one out of the junkbox and now the DVD player seems completely 100%
functional, BUT the VFD is still displaying gibberish. I thought
maybe I missed a capacitor in the SMPS, but I tested the ESR of all
the rest and they look good. None even get lukewarm except for the
one I replaced.
What normally causes a VFD to display gibberish? It appears to me as
though adjacent segments are lighting up when they are supposed to
stay off. I can tell that the segments that are supposed to be lit
are a little brighter, while all adjacent segments are lit up too. I
know -21V, F-, and F+ go to the VFD. The filament voltage is about
5VDC and seems fine as the display is plenty bright. -21V measures at
-23V, but that seems close enough. All voltages to the display board
and motherboard test good. I'm not sure what else to check. Any help
would be greatly appreciated!
It's very similar (runs the same software and UI) as the GoVideo
D2730, Gateway Connected DVD Player, and Amoisonic NDP9200.
After months of sitting idle in "standby" mode, I turned it on to
discover the DVD part of it had quit working and the VFD was
displaying gibberish.
I probed all the output voltages on the SMPS, and found a +5V was out
of spec, reading around 2.8 to 3V. Upon closer examination of the
SMPS, I found a swollen 100uF 16V capacitor in location C18. ESR of
the cap measured at 32, so it was definitely bad. I replaced it with
one out of the junkbox and now the DVD player seems completely 100%
functional, BUT the VFD is still displaying gibberish. I thought
maybe I missed a capacitor in the SMPS, but I tested the ESR of all
the rest and they look good. None even get lukewarm except for the
one I replaced.
What normally causes a VFD to display gibberish? It appears to me as
though adjacent segments are lighting up when they are supposed to
stay off. I can tell that the segments that are supposed to be lit
are a little brighter, while all adjacent segments are lit up too. I
know -21V, F-, and F+ go to the VFD. The filament voltage is about
5VDC and seems fine as the display is plenty bright. -21V measures at
-23V, but that seems close enough. All voltages to the display board
and motherboard test good. I'm not sure what else to check. Any help
would be greatly appreciated!