order of signals in ncsim waveform window

I use ncvhdl and ncsim for my simulations
After loading signals to the waveform window , I have to arrange them
in the order i want( by default they are loaded in the alphabetical
order) .
So every time i do the compilation and simulation ,i need to arrange
the signals in the waveform window ,
Is there a way to just save this order and use it again in the
subsiquent simulations ??

Anupam Jain

meanupam@gmail.com wrote:
I use ncvhdl and ncsim for my simulations
After loading signals to the waveform window , I have to arrange them
in the order i want( by default they are loaded in the alphabetical
order) .
So every time i do the compilation and simulation ,i need to arrange
the signals in the waveform window ,
Is there a way to just save this order and use it again in the
subsiquent simulations ??

Anupam Jain

Well its been a while since I used NCSIM, but at that time I used
Signalscan version 6.7(ncsim 3.4) and I only created a do file which
where then called when launcing signalscan.

below is a command I used.

signalscan ${SHM_FILE_DIR}/gate_tb_${PROJECT}.shm/gate_tb_${PROJECT}.trn
-do SCRIPT/gate_tb_${PROJECT}.do


Not clear with the command you send,
kindly explain if you can ...
Btb ,I use ncsim for simulation ,,,

anupam wrote:

Not clear with the command you send,
kindly explain if you can ...
Btb ,I use ncsim for simulation ,,,

So do you use signalscan for waveforms?

If then can't you save the setup in some menus?

If You can that use that file after the -do command in the command to
launch signalscan.

Then If you like to rearrange things you can use emacs for instance on
the file and re-launch signalscan.

Does that help?

anupam wrote:
Thanx for the reply ,i got it ...

Anupam Jain

Good, you can also create groups and stuff in the script file.


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