order of array members in vhdl vs edif

On Sat, 16 Feb 2008 13:18:21 +0000, Brian Drummond wrote:
What happens if you reverse the generate order to match the input vector bit

FA: for i in n-1 downto 0 generate
diff --suppress-common-lines -y proj_rtl.edf proj_rtl.ed
(timestamp 2008 02 16 14 57 10) | (timestamp 2008 02 16 14 55 21)
(instance FA_0_FA_i (viewRef impl_unfold_1 (cellRef ful | (instance FA_1_FA_i (viewRef impl_unfold_1 (cellRef ful
(instance FA_1_FA_i (viewRef impl (cellRef full_adder ) | (instance FA_0_FA_i (viewRef impl (cellRef full_adder )
(net Cout | (net Carry

No substantial changes. The edif and vhdl order matches when the ports are
declared left to right.

I currently assume that the vhdl array are represented left to right a =
<a(left), ..., a(right)> and edif indexes this sequence from 0, left to

On Fri, 15 Feb 2008 09:19:14 -0500, Vlad Ciubotariu <vcciubot@uwaterloo.ca>

Hi all,

I have a verification tool that synthesizes vhdl to edf via precision and
then proceeds from there.

I realize that for vhdl arrays that are declared from high downto low, the
corresponding netlist ports appear to be reversed in the netlist.
SIGNAL t: std_logic_vector(n downto 0);
FA: for i in 0 to n-1 generate
What happens if you reverse the generate order to match the input vector bit

FA: for i in n-1 downto 0 generate

- Brian

Vlad Ciubotariu

Hi all,

I have a verification tool that synthesizes vhdl to edf via precision and
then proceeds from there.

I realize that for vhdl arrays that are declared from high downto low, the
corresponding netlist ports appear to be reversed in the netlist.

The full adders below are correctly cascaded in the netlist. However, the
bits of a and b are used in the wrong order, e.g. a(0) is fed into the
second adder, and a(1) into the first.

Is it the case that a(0) in the netlist means the leftmost member of the
array? In this case, a(0) in the net would represent a(1) in vhdl?

thanks for your comments!

=VHDL code=

==Top level entity=

library IEEE;
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;

ENTITY adder_bits_n IS
PORT (Cin: IN std_logic;
a, b: IN std_logic_vector(n-1 downto 0);
S: OUT std_logic_vector(n-1 downto 0);
Cout: OUT std_logic
); END;

ARCHITECTURE ripple_n_arch OF adder_bits_n IS
COMPONENT full_adder
PORT (x, y, z: IN std_logic; Sum, Carry: OUT std_logic);
SIGNAL t: std_logic_vector(n downto 0);
t(0) <= Cin; Cout <= t(n);
FA: for i in 0 to n-1 generate
FA_i: full_adder PORT MAP (t(i), a(i), b(i), S(i), t(i+1));
end generate;

==Full Adder==

library IEEE;
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;

entity full_adder is
PORT (x, y, z: IN std_logic; Sum, Carry: OUT std_logic);

architecture impl of full_adder is
Sum <= x xor y xor z;
Carry <= (x and y) or (x and z) or (y and z);

And here's the relevant part of the netlist:

(cell adder_bits_n (cellType GENERIC)
(view ripple_n_arch (viewType NETLIST)
(port Cin (direction INPUT))
(port (array (rename a "a(1:0)") 2 )(direction INPUT))
(port (array (rename b "b(1:0)") 2 )(direction INPUT))
(port (array (rename S "S(1:0)") 2 )(direction OUTPUT))
(port Cout (direction OUTPUT)))
(property DESIGN_IS_RTL (string "YES"))
(instance FA_0_FA_i (viewRef impl_unfold_1 (cellRef full_adder )))
(instance FA_1_FA_i (viewRef impl (cellRef full_adder )))
(net (rename a_1_ "a(1)")
(portRef (member a 0))
(portRef y (instanceRef FA_1_FA_i ))))
(net (rename a_0_ "a(0)")
(portRef (member a 1))
(portRef y (instanceRef FA_0_FA_i ))))
(net (rename b_1_ "b(1)")
(portRef (member b 0))
(portRef z (instanceRef FA_1_FA_i ))))
(net (rename b_0_ "b(0)")
(portRef (member b 1))
(portRef z (instanceRef FA_0_FA_i ))))
(net (rename S_1_ "S(1)")
(portRef (member S 0))
(portRef Sum (instanceRef FA_1_FA_i ))))
(net (rename S_0_ "S(0)")
(portRef (member S 1))
(portRef Sum (instanceRef FA_0_FA_i ))))
(net Cout
(portRef Cout )
(portRef Carry (instanceRef FA_1_FA_i ))))
(net (rename t_1_ "t(1)")
(portRef Carry (instanceRef FA_0_FA_i ))
(portRef x (instanceRef FA_1_FA_i ))))
(net Cin
(portRef Cin )
(portRef x (instanceRef FA_0_FA_i ))))))))
(design adder_bits_n (cellRef adder_bits_n (libraryRef work ))))

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