Randy Day
I dug an old 4N35 out of the junk box, and
wired it up two ways (below).
I put ~150us pulses on pin 2, and expected
to see something similar at the output. What
I get is a scope waveform that slowly ramps
to about 2v over the 150us, before ramping
back to rest in about 20us.
I tried changing the 1k to 500ohm, and the
10k to 1k, but it still showed a ramp.
What the heck am I seeing, and why?
+5v +5v
| |
.-. .-.
| |1k | |10k
| | | |
'-' '-'
| .-------. |
|--|1 6|-- |
| | |
in --|2 5|----+-- out
| |
--|3 4|-----|
| | |
'-------' gnd
+5v +5v
| |
.-. |
| |1k |
| | |
'-' |
| .-------. |
|--|1 6|-- |
| | |
in --|2 5|----|
| |
--|3 4|----+-- out
| | .-.
'-------' | |10k
| |
(created by AACircuit v1.28.6 beta 04/19/05 www.tech-
wired it up two ways (below).
I put ~150us pulses on pin 2, and expected
to see something similar at the output. What
I get is a scope waveform that slowly ramps
to about 2v over the 150us, before ramping
back to rest in about 20us.
I tried changing the 1k to 500ohm, and the
10k to 1k, but it still showed a ramp.
What the heck am I seeing, and why?
+5v +5v
| |
.-. .-.
| |1k | |10k
| | | |
'-' '-'
| .-------. |
|--|1 6|-- |
| | |
in --|2 5|----+-- out
| |
--|3 4|-----|
| | |
'-------' gnd
+5v +5v
| |
.-. |
| |1k |
| | |
'-' |
| .-------. |
|--|1 6|-- |
| | |
in --|2 5|----|
| |
--|3 4|----+-- out
| | .-.
'-------' | |10k
| |
(created by AACircuit v1.28.6 beta 04/19/05 www.tech-