Oppie - which "electronic experimenters handbook?"



Hi Oppie

Thanks for the neon lamp applications data.

Looks like one for my collection but there are several books with the
same title. Can you give me author and date, or ISBN?


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I don't have the magazine with me now but I believe that it was published by
"Popular Electronics" magazine. There were quarterly handbooks that had the
best of the articles published in the regular magazine and organized by
type. Magazine got a chance to resell old material with the occasional new

I remember one construction article for a telephone answering machine
(Circa1959 in electronics illustrated) that used NE-2 lamps for all the
logic elements. the lamps had to be burnt in and then selected for voltage.
The audio portion was kluged from an old phonograph. Being only 8 at the
time, I couldn't fully appreciate the article. Went looking for it recently
and couldn't find it. Must have lost some stuff in a move.


For correct response address, remove -nospam-
"default" <R75/5@defaulter.net> wrote in message
Hi Oppie

Thanks for the neon lamp applications data.

Looks like one for my collection but there are several books with the
same title. Can you give me author and date, or ISBN?


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