Jason Bowers
The last time I did any serious HF radio adjustments I had a large and
heavy 100 Mhz oscilloscope as well as an HP 1 Ghz spectrum analyzer. Due
to finances and lack of interest, those items, along with several
others, were sold about twenty years ago.
Recently, my interest has been rekindled somewhat and I am thinking
about getting on 10 meters once the solar cycle begins to favor the
upper HF more consistently. The problem is that my 10 meter radios have
been in storage for about twenty years. Some were bought used and I have
no idea how clean/ dirty transmitter/ receiver stages are not to mention
transmitter output spectrum and modulation. I came across an HTX-100
recently, for example, where someone had removed the \"do not adjust\"
sticker on the bandpass filter. Not good. So, being on a limited budget,
I have been looking at these test equipment pieces:
I\'m hoping that I would be able to check out and adjust spectrum output
using the SA for anything up to 30 Mhz as well as checking out radio
internals with the scope up to 30 Mhz (as well as viewing output SSB
waveforms). So, I would appreciate any feedback on the above units.
Thanks in advance.
heavy 100 Mhz oscilloscope as well as an HP 1 Ghz spectrum analyzer. Due
to finances and lack of interest, those items, along with several
others, were sold about twenty years ago.
Recently, my interest has been rekindled somewhat and I am thinking
about getting on 10 meters once the solar cycle begins to favor the
upper HF more consistently. The problem is that my 10 meter radios have
been in storage for about twenty years. Some were bought used and I have
no idea how clean/ dirty transmitter/ receiver stages are not to mention
transmitter output spectrum and modulation. I came across an HTX-100
recently, for example, where someone had removed the \"do not adjust\"
sticker on the bandpass filter. Not good. So, being on a limited budget,
I have been looking at these test equipment pieces:
I\'m hoping that I would be able to check out and adjust spectrum output
using the SA for anything up to 30 Mhz as well as checking out radio
internals with the scope up to 30 Mhz (as well as viewing output SSB
waveforms). So, I would appreciate any feedback on the above units.
Thanks in advance.