OpenTech Package


Jamil Khatib


OpenTech is the first world wide package of free open source hardware
designs, software and Books for electronics designs.

Since 2000 we have sold OpenTech packages to Students, Professors,
Engineers, Startup and even large corporations.

In OpenTech package you will find many things that you can not imagine
they even exists as open source.

You will find CPUs , Ethernet, USB and other 300 designs. VHDL,
Verilog, Schematic, IC and board layout and many many other software
programs more than 300 programs. In short you will find lot of
information that helps you in designing your system or testing it.

The package is composed of 3DVDs and 1CD that costs only 70 Euros. Use
free open source tools and designs in OpenTech package and save more
than $500,000 and more than 3 months of download time.

OpenTech offers not only these products but also some services to
increase the quality of Open source support. We have established the
OpenSupport and OpenTech Networks programs for that reason

We accept any contributions with tools, designs or books to be
distributed with OpenTech packages.

For ordering information and the availability please visit

Best Regards
Jamil Khatib wrote:
OpenTech is the first world wide package
of free open source hardware designs, software
and Books for electronics designs.

Since 2000 we have sold[...]

[...]3DVDs and 1CD that costs only 70 Euros.
It seems to me that if this is "open source",
the first person to purchase it
could re-publish the content on a Web site or offer it via BitTorrent
and there would be no reason for anyone else to ever pay for it again
--leaving this jerk no reason to ever spam for this stuff again:

(If "open source" and "free" are just buzzwords he co-opted,
it would also be interesting to know which authors he plagiarized
to get this much content.)
JeffM wrote:
Jamil Khatib wrote:
OpenTech is the first world wide package
of free open source hardware designs, software
and Books for electronics designs.

Since 2000 we have sold[...]

[...]3DVDs and 1CD that costs only 70 Euros.

It seems to me that if this is "open source",
the first person to purchase it
could re-publish the content on a Web site or offer it via BitTorrent
and there would be no reason for anyone else to ever pay for it again
--leaving this jerk no reason to ever spam for this stuff again:

(If "open source" and "free" are just buzzwords he co-opted,
it would also be interesting to know which authors he plagiarized
to get this much content.)
Hopefully the grammar in the content he's selling is better than the

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