I'm using a lf442cn
8 to +5v
4 to gnd
0.1uf cap between 8 and 4
2 tied to ground for now
3 has a 100ohm resistor
1 has a 100ohm resister
a 330pf cap between 3 and 1 before resistors
3 and 1 tied after the resistors
pin 2 tested against ground = 0v
pin 1 tested against ground = 3.97v ?? shouldn't this be 0???
basically this is a buffering circuit
also get the same results with lf411 single supply amp, but as i can
only supply a 5v/gnd to the op amp what would be best?
8 to +5v
4 to gnd
0.1uf cap between 8 and 4
2 tied to ground for now
3 has a 100ohm resistor
1 has a 100ohm resister
a 330pf cap between 3 and 1 before resistors
3 and 1 tied after the resistors
pin 2 tested against ground = 0v
pin 1 tested against ground = 3.97v ?? shouldn't this be 0???
basically this is a buffering circuit
also get the same results with lf411 single supply amp, but as i can
only supply a 5v/gnd to the op amp what would be best?