Onwa TV K-9215 ---turns off after a few minutes


Aldo Barrios

Five minutes after you turn on this tv it will shut down. Then , you
have to press the power button on the front panel of the tv to turn it
on (just once). And it will go off after five minutes again.
It seems that someone removed Q905 (G A K. printed on pcb) and IC902
(G A1 A2).
Any ideas?
I would troubleshoot the set for a power supply, or scan fault. It is
possible that there are some parts that have become thermo sensitive from
age and use, and the set is going in to protection.

This is not something you will be able to service at home, unless properly
trained, have the service manuals, and the proper tools to work with.



Jerry Greenberg GLG Technologies GLG
WebPage http://www.zoom-one.com
Electronics http://www.zoom-one.com/electron.htm

"Aldo Barrios" <aldoba2001@yahoo.com.ar> wrote in message
Five minutes after you turn on this tv it will shut down. Then , you
have to press the power button on the front panel of the tv to turn it
on (just once). And it will go off after five minutes again.
It seems that someone removed Q905 (G A K. printed on pcb) and IC902
(G A1 A2).
Any ideas?
Good advice from Jerry, as usual...re: your second question; many times
equipment is designed with features which are left off the basic models.
They use the same circuit board, but leave blank the spaces which relate to
the components used to implement those features. Most likely nobody
actually 'removed' anything from your set. They were never installed.


"Jerry G." <jerryg50@hotmail.com> wrote in message
I would troubleshoot the set for a power supply, or scan fault. It is
possible that there are some parts that have become thermo sensitive from
age and use, and the set is going in to protection.

This is not something you will be able to service at home, unless properly
trained, have the service manuals, and the proper tools to work with.



Jerry Greenberg GLG Technologies GLG
WebPage http://www.zoom-one.com
Electronics http://www.zoom-one.com/electron.htm

"Aldo Barrios" <aldoba2001@yahoo.com.ar> wrote in message
Five minutes after you turn on this tv it will shut down. Then , you
have to press the power button on the front panel of the tv to turn it
on (just once). And it will go off after five minutes again.
It seems that someone removed Q905 (G A K. printed on pcb) and IC902
(G A1 A2).
Any ideas?
Jerry G. <jerryg50@hotmail.com> wrote:
I would troubleshoot the set for a power supply, or scan fault. It is
possible that there are some parts that have become thermo sensitive from
age and use, and the set is going in to protection.
I had an Onwa board on which the voltage regulator shut down. (A black
object perhaps 2" by 1" by 1/2". It dissipates quite a bit of heat, as the
input voltage at a guess was about 16V, regaulting down to 12V, and the
set might work a bit longer on a 12v DC supply. Even improving the
aluminium heat sink contact was not sufficient.

This is not something you will be able to service at home, unless properly
trained, have the service manuals, and the proper tools to work with.
I am not sure if the regulators are obtainable on the older sets. You
might have to improvise.

"Aldo Barrios" <aldoba2001@yahoo.com.ar> wrote in message
Five minutes after you turn on this tv it will shut down. Then , you
have to press the power button on the front panel of the tv to turn it
on (just once). And it will go off after five minutes again.
It gets worse and worse.

It seems that someone removed Q905 (G A K. printed on pcb) and IC902
(G A1 A2).
Any ideas?

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