Online Abusers Apologize to Ocean County New Jersey Attorney



More would-be "cyberbullies" have turned tail and run from cyberabuse and
cybercrime expert Charles Novins, Esq., a New Jersey Attorney who was
attacked and fought back.

One poster had been a years-long veteran of the group, "alt.usenet.kooks,"
which had become home to bizarre, irrational, and hate-laden messages in
recent years.

For that reason, the poster apologized to Novins, and left the group in
disgust. The text of the apology is here:

Hate-monger and supposed "poet" Peter J. Ross denied there'd been damages or
apologies to Novins; another multi-year veteran of the group wound up
calling him on the lies.

Ross, a UK resident, beyond the jurisdiction of U.S. Courts, has egged-on
his "hate-pals" to further defamation, thus risking legal consequences for
everyone - except, naturally, Ross.

Meanwhile, terrified but carefully anonymized posters continue to post
defamatory material. Ross, and others like him, fight for their "right to

The Law Offices of Charles Novins has become a clearinghouse for information
about anonymous internet stalkers, harrassers, abusers, and other online
undesirables. They can be reached at:
On 2010-03-23 03:24:01 -0700, "ubermesser" <> said:

More would-be "cyberbullies" have turned tail and run from cyberabuse
and cybercrime expert Charles Novins, Esq., a New Jersey Attorney who
was attacked and fought back.

One poster had been a years-long veteran of the group,
"alt.usenet.kooks," which had become home to bizarre, irrational, and
hate-laden messages in recent years.

For that reason, the poster apologized to Novins, and left the group in
disgust. The text of the apology is here:

Hate-monger and supposed "poet" Peter J. Ross denied there'd been
damages or apologies to Novins; another multi-year veteran of the group
wound up calling him on the lies.

Ross, a UK resident, beyond the jurisdiction of U.S. Courts, has
egged-on his "hate-pals" to further defamation, thus risking legal
consequences for everyone - except, naturally, Ross.

Meanwhile, terrified but carefully anonymized posters continue to post
defamatory material. Ross, and others like him, fight for their "right
to hate."

The Law Offices of Charles Novins has become a clearinghouse for
information about anonymous internet stalkers, harrassers, abusers, and
other online undesirables. They can be reached at:
Vindicator Volran wants you to slay 10 Internet bullies, 12 Stalkers
and 15 Harassers and return to him in Shattrath City.

Vindicator Volran wants you to slay Peter J. Ross and return with his
head to him in Shattrath City.

Anchorite Sikyna wants you to collect blood samples from 15 Internet
Abusers and bring them to her in Shattrath City.

Waddling Eagle
World Famous Flight Instructor
On Mar 23, 6:24 am, "ubermesser" <> wrote:
"I'm an ambulance chasing shyster"
or words the that effect.
On Mar 23, 2:30 pm, Cryptoengineer <> wrote:
On Mar 23, 6:24 am, "ubermesser" <> wrote:
I withdraw the above remark.

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