More would-be "cyberbullies" have turned tail and run from cyberabuse and
cybercrime expert Charles Novins, Esq., a New Jersey Attorney who was
attacked and fought back.
One poster had been a years-long veteran of the group, "alt.usenet.kooks,"
which had become home to bizarre, irrational, and hate-laden messages in
recent years.
For that reason, the poster apologized to Novins, and left the group in
disgust. The text of the apology is here:
Hate-monger and supposed "poet" Peter J. Ross denied there'd been damages or
apologies to Novins; another multi-year veteran of the group wound up
calling him on the lies.
Ross, a UK resident, beyond the jurisdiction of U.S. Courts, has egged-on
his "hate-pals" to further defamation, thus risking legal consequences for
everyone - except, naturally, Ross.
Meanwhile, terrified but carefully anonymized posters continue to post
defamatory material. Ross, and others like him, fight for their "right to
The Law Offices of Charles Novins has become a clearinghouse for information
about anonymous internet stalkers, harrassers, abusers, and other online
undesirables. They can be reached at:
cybercrime expert Charles Novins, Esq., a New Jersey Attorney who was
attacked and fought back.
One poster had been a years-long veteran of the group, "alt.usenet.kooks,"
which had become home to bizarre, irrational, and hate-laden messages in
recent years.
For that reason, the poster apologized to Novins, and left the group in
disgust. The text of the apology is here:
Hate-monger and supposed "poet" Peter J. Ross denied there'd been damages or
apologies to Novins; another multi-year veteran of the group wound up
calling him on the lies.
Ross, a UK resident, beyond the jurisdiction of U.S. Courts, has egged-on
his "hate-pals" to further defamation, thus risking legal consequences for
everyone - except, naturally, Ross.
Meanwhile, terrified but carefully anonymized posters continue to post
defamatory material. Ross, and others like him, fight for their "right to
The Law Offices of Charles Novins has become a clearinghouse for information
about anonymous internet stalkers, harrassers, abusers, and other online
undesirables. They can be reached at: