One Million Electric cars by 2020 in Germany



One Million Electric cars by 2020 in Germany
On Aug 21, 6:03 am, jenneylist <> wrote:
One Million Electric cars by 2020 in Germany
What is going to happen with all the chemicals from the batteries when
they wear out? There will be millions of batteries to dispose of!

It takes energy to manufacture the batteries comes combustion type
fuels. The composition of the batteries uses oil based products, and a
number of very toxic chemicals. The lifespan of these batteries does
have limitations. Most of these batteries will last about 5 years
under ideal conditions. They are now trying to develop batteries that
will last from 10 to 20 years. But, in the end there will be a time
where disposal is required.

The oil companies are going to get very involved with the battery
manufacturing, and supplying the raw materials for manufacturing the
parts for electric cars.

Because energy cannot be created from nothing, when you plug the car
in to the AC mains for charging, the energy will come from
electricity. This electricity takes some type of energy to be made.
The oil companies are supplying the fuel for the power stations. The
exception is with nuclear, wind, or water power. In most parts of the
world they can only have fuel based power generation.

If you look at the cost value of the electric car, and the battery
replacement cost the total operational cost comes out to more than the
cost for using petrol in the first place. Then if you look at the
environmental impact for the disposal and manufacturing aspect, the
total damage to the environment is actually more!!! The batteries are
very toxic. If their chemicals get in to the water table, the water
will be undrinkable for years. These chemicals will kill plant and
animal life. If you burn the batteries, the polution from burning them
is terribly toxic compared to oil based burning. It will take oil or
gas to make the heat to burn them, or electricity generation fueled
from oil based products. If you filter the toxins when burning the
batteries, the filters will have to be disposed of somewhere, and at
best they are not 100% efficient!

It is a fact, if you were to use a large commercial truck over a
period of a 10 year lifespan and compare it to an electric or hybrid
car, the total impact on the environment would be worse with the
vehicle that uses batteries. The reason is because of the toxic
disposal of the batteries!

I don't want to reveal my credentials, but I did some involved
research in this matter. The whole thing here is more that just the
environment. It is based on a new form of economics. It is really to
get off of oil at any cost, and make new markets for another type of
usage of energy at any cost.

Another thing that is not amusing is charging a carbon tax to the
people living in Europe, North America, and Australia, when they are
not even the ones who are making most of the world's polution. In fact
these countries are of the lowest cause of polution in the world!

Jerry G.
I totally agree.

Also, my bet is that a weeks worth of electricity might not be less than a
weeks worth of gas in an efficient engine.
I absolutely agree. Electric cars and wind mills are just feel good knee
jerk measures just like banning guns. It is so typical of politicians to try
and figure a new angle for taxing us. Electric cars are a sham. You are
right, the energy still has to be produced somehow. In France they have
75-80% or more nuclear power. I guess they will also be disposing of more
nuclear waste to produce the additional electricity. In the US we are highly
dependent on Fossil fuels for our electric power. This will result in more
air pollution. Wind power has its own problems that are being ignored.
Research now indicates too many wind generators will significantly affect
the wind. This is a result of the kinetic energy in the wind being converted
to electric power slowing the wind down. This will affect evaporation of
water, which in turn means less rain leading to arid desert areas, causing
food shortages. These people pushing these ideas of electric cars and wind
mills have not done their homework. Producing electricity to run an electric
car is efficient. Production and use of electricity is always associated
with wasted energy in the form of heat at both ends in the production,
transmission, and usage. High voltage lines will not be too lossy but lower
voltage distribution lines will have higher currents causing higher Joule's
law losses. The battery disposal will become a huge issue. I guess they
will charge you a couple of bucks per battery to dispose them - like tires.
I like the idea of cars that do not plug in, have gasoline engines and
breaking systems that recover energy by spinning up a flywheel instead of
using batteries. Significant improvements in gasoline can also still be

<> wrote in message
On Aug 21, 6:03 am, jenneylist <> wrote:
One Million Electric cars by 2020 in
What is going to happen with all the chemicals from the batteries when
they wear out? There will be millions of batteries to dispose of!

It takes energy to manufacture the batteries comes combustion type
fuels. The composition of the batteries uses oil based products, and a
number of very toxic chemicals. The lifespan of these batteries does
have limitations. Most of these batteries will last about 5 years
under ideal conditions. They are now trying to develop batteries that
will last from 10 to 20 years. But, in the end there will be a time
where disposal is required.

The oil companies are going to get very involved with the battery
manufacturing, and supplying the raw materials for manufacturing the
parts for electric cars.

Because energy cannot be created from nothing, when you plug the car
in to the AC mains for charging, the energy will come from
electricity. This electricity takes some type of energy to be made.
The oil companies are supplying the fuel for the power stations. The
exception is with nuclear, wind, or water power. In most parts of the
world they can only have fuel based power generation.

If you look at the cost value of the electric car, and the battery
replacement cost the total operational cost comes out to more than the
cost for using petrol in the first place. Then if you look at the
environmental impact for the disposal and manufacturing aspect, the
total damage to the environment is actually more!!! The batteries are
very toxic. If their chemicals get in to the water table, the water
will be undrinkable for years. These chemicals will kill plant and
animal life. If you burn the batteries, the polution from burning them
is terribly toxic compared to oil based burning. It will take oil or
gas to make the heat to burn them, or electricity generation fueled
from oil based products. If you filter the toxins when burning the
batteries, the filters will have to be disposed of somewhere, and at
best they are not 100% efficient!

It is a fact, if you were to use a large commercial truck over a
period of a 10 year lifespan and compare it to an electric or hybrid
car, the total impact on the environment would be worse with the
vehicle that uses batteries. The reason is because of the toxic
disposal of the batteries!

I don't want to reveal my credentials, but I did some involved
research in this matter. The whole thing here is more that just the
environment. It is based on a new form of economics. It is really to
get off of oil at any cost, and make new markets for another type of
usage of energy at any cost.

Another thing that is not amusing is charging a carbon tax to the
people living in Europe, North America, and Australia, when they are
not even the ones who are making most of the world's polution. In fact
these countries are of the lowest cause of polution in the world!

Jerry G.

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