on off relay



Does anyone have a diagram or an idea to make a 12v relay switch
itself on & off very slowly - maybe every second or one and half
seconds. I could make it a 6v relay if the problem would then be


In article <124432c0.0312132327.395acb39@posting.google.com>,
mailcuttysark@btopenworld.com (Smokeyone) writes:
Does anyone have a diagram or an idea to make a 12v relay switch
itself on & off very slowly - maybe every second or one and half
seconds. I could make it a 6v relay if the problem would then be
The modern approach would probably be a tiny microprocessor.
But that's overkill for your problem.

The intermediate approach is a 555 timer chip. They come
in many versions.

The old fashioned approach is a multivibrator: 2 transistors,
2 resistors, and 2 caps. (I think. It's been a long time.)

Don't forget the protection diode on the relay driver.

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In article <vtoc9g52a44o06@corp.supernews.com>,
hmurray@suespammers.org mentioned...
In article <124432c0.0312132327.395acb39@posting.google.com>,
mailcuttysark@btopenworld.com (Smokeyone) writes:
Does anyone have a diagram or an idea to make a 12v relay switch
itself on & off very slowly - maybe every second or one and half
seconds. I could make it a 6v relay if the problem would then be

The modern approach would probably be a tiny microprocessor.
But that's overkill for your problem.
Yes, it's overkill.

The intermediate approach is a 555 timer chip. They come
in many versions.
Good idea.

The old fashioned approach is a multivibrator: 2 transistors,
2 resistors, and 2 caps. (I think. It's been a long time.)
Or else one of these.

Don't forget the protection diode on the relay driver.

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Just when you thought you had all this figured out, the gov't
changed it: http://physics.nist.gov/cuu/Units/binary.html
The modern approach would probably be a tiny microprocessor.
But that's overkill for your problem.

Yes, it's overkill.
But worth keeping in mind. If you already have a tiny uP in the
area and it has one unused pin...

The suespammers.org mail server is located in California. So are all my
other mailboxes. Please do not send unsolicited bulk e-mail or unsolicited
commercial e-mail to my suespammers.org address or any of my other addresses.
These are my opinions, not necessarily my employer's. I hate spam.
Thanks everyone for the advice. Looks like a 555 timer chip might be
the way to go. Can you run 6 to 12v through the chip............and
after searching various sites it looks as though the chip can operate
my solenoid direct without going through a relay.................hope
I have this right.


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mailcuttysark@btopenworld.com (Smokeyone) wrote:
Thanks everyone for the advice. Looks like a 555 timer chip might be
the way to go. Can you run 6 to 12v through the chip............and
Yes, IIRC, the 555 runs from 5-15 volts, though there may be
extended-range versions of it as well.

after searching various sites it looks as though the chip can operate
my solenoid direct without going through a relay.................hope
Yes, it's got (again IIRC) 250mA source or sink current. As someone
mentioned, make sure you use a diode snubber across the relay coil.

William Smith
ComputerSmiths Consulting, Inc. www.compusmiths.com
William P.N. Smith <> wrote in message news:<hc9stvob27bo82tsn8359h0nfku4blog0s@4ax.com>...
mailcuttysark@btopenworld.com (Smokeyone) wrote:
Thanks everyone for the advice. Looks like a 555 timer chip might be
the way to go. Can you run 6 to 12v through the chip............and

Yes, IIRC, the 555 runs from 5-15 volts, though there may be
extended-range versions of it as well.

after searching various sites it looks as though the chip can operate
my solenoid direct without going through a relay.................hope

Yes, it's got (again IIRC) 250mA source or sink current. As someone
mentioned, make sure you use a diode snubber across the relay coil.

Thanks again for the advice


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