On Cold Start Intermittent Horizontal Size Changing: Sylva

Raster is solid. Picture shifts horizontally from normal to oversize then back.

Upon power up from a cold state the horizontal size will shift or jitter, fairly steadily, by about 5% from normal size to over size. Most noticeable by watching part of the caption text going off screen-like during football games. Most of the time it briefly shifts oversize then pulls back to normal. This action if very frequent though on power-on. As it warms up it will go from a steady shifting to an intermittent state. Sometimes it will even stabilize to normal as the tv on-time increases. Much less frequently it will stabilize to an oversize state. Vertical size is solid.

The raster size both vertically and horizontally is always solid. You only see the problem when video is applied. When video is applied the picture window size is solid (full screen) but the video is shifting in that window from normal to oversized.
These days you have to make sure it is not the station doing it.
On Thursday, November 2, 2017 at 9:43:40 AM UTC-4, jeff.p...@cfl.rr.com wrote:
Raster is solid. Picture shifts horizontally from normal to oversize then back.

Upon power up from a cold state the horizontal size will shift or jitter, fairly steadily, by about 5% from normal size to over size. Most noticeable by watching part of the caption text going off screen-like during football games. Most of the time it briefly shifts oversize then pulls back to normal. This action if very frequent though on power-on. As it warms up it will go from a steady shifting to an intermittent state. Sometimes it will even stabilize to normal as the tv on-time increases. Much less frequently it will stabilize to an oversize state. Vertical size is solid.

The raster size both vertically and horizontally is always solid. You only see the problem when video is applied. When video is applied the picture window size is solid (full screen) but the video is shifting in that window from normal to oversized.

With two tv's side by side on the same channel, the good tv does not flicker.

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