I have a bunch of old non-working TV sets, mostly 19" and 25" (and 3
consoles in wood cabinets) for parts or repair. Located in southeast
Alabama (near Dothan) Most are intact in the case (not cannibalized).
Just want a few bucks each for the parts or scrap value. I have at least
25, maybe as many as 40 or 50. My email in the header is valid. I do have a
list now of most of the 19" model numbers. Someone was interested in used
19" picture tubes (possibly for arcade game repair) but never followed up.
consoles in wood cabinets) for parts or repair. Located in southeast
Alabama (near Dothan) Most are intact in the case (not cannibalized).
Just want a few bucks each for the parts or scrap value. I have at least
25, maybe as many as 40 or 50. My email in the header is valid. I do have a
list now of most of the 19" model numbers. Someone was interested in used
19" picture tubes (possibly for arcade game repair) but never followed up.