Old Mags & Periodicals


The Old Geeza

Hi all.

Call me old-fashioned if you like. It doesn't bother me, because I am!

For many, many years I answered hundreds of questions from beginners and
novices within this particular newsgroup. I now hope that someone out there
can help me. I've just been through a very 'messy' divorce case and I've
lost every single copy of my treasured Electronic magazines over the past 30

So, could anyone advise me where I might be able to purchase old copies
of British electronics hobby magazines, such as ETI (Electronics Today
International), EE (Everyday Electronics - now known as EPE - Everyday and
Practical Electronics), PE (Practical Electronics), WW (Wireless World),
Elektor, Hobby Electronics (the Daughter magazine of ETI many years ago).

If you have copies of these publications you'd be prepared to sell then
please let me know via email.

Any information will be gratefully received.

Thanks in advance for any replies.


The Old Geeza.
could anyone advise me where I might be able to purchase old copies of
British electronics hobby magazines
I've got 6 or 7 boxes full of Byte magazines back to '75 in my garage.
You'd be butty to try and ship em to England. But if anyone is driving
thru Orlando, stop on buy and pick em up.
"The Old Geeza" <tonysavage@angleseyroad.fsnet.co.uk> wrote:

Hi all.

Call me old-fashioned if you like. It doesn't bother me, because I am!

For many, many years I answered hundreds of questions from beginners and
novices within this particular newsgroup. I now hope that someone out there
can help me. I've just been through a very 'messy' divorce case and I've
lost every single copy of my treasured Electronic magazines over the past 30

So, could anyone advise me where I might be able to purchase old copies
of British electronics hobby magazines, such as ETI (Electronics Today
International), EE (Everyday Electronics - now known as EPE - Everyday and
Practical Electronics), PE (Practical Electronics), WW (Wireless World),
Elektor, Hobby Electronics (the Daughter magazine of ETI many years ago).

If you have copies of these publications you'd be prepared to sell then
please let me know via email.

Any information will be gratefully received.

Thanks in advance for any replies.


The Old Geeza.

Sorry, wish I could help, but I disposed of many hundreds of old mags
covering all of those titles a decade ago. The loft was beginning to
show the strain!

I think EPE (amongst others) may be able to provide back copies, but
for how far back I don't know. The online site is at
http://www.epemag.wimborne.co.uk/ and the email address for such
queries is

Terry Pinnell
Hobbyist, West Sussex, UK
The Old Geeza wrote:
Hi all.

Call me old-fashioned if you like. It doesn't bother me, because I

For many, many years I answered hundreds of questions from beginners
and novices within this particular newsgroup. I now hope that
someone out there can help me. I've just been through a very 'messy'
divorce case and I've lost every single copy of my treasured
Electronic magazines over the past 30 years.

So, could anyone advise me where I might be able to purchase old
of British electronics hobby magazines, such as ETI (Electronics Today
International), EE (Everyday Electronics - now known as EPE -
Everyday and Practical Electronics), PE (Practical Electronics), WW
(Wireless World), Elektor, Hobby Electronics (the Daughter magazine
of ETI many years ago).
Chevet in Blackpool deals in old electronics magazines :
Thanks, Terry.

Ain't that just the way it goes - eh?

Seems we all get rid of what we think is 'junk' or 'rubbish' at some time or
other. Only to realise years later that maybe it would be useful to us!

There is a saying in this world...

Rubbish is something you hang on to for 25 years, then throw away the week
before you need it!

How true!

Thanks anyway.

Sorry, wish I could help, but I disposed of many hundreds of old mags
covering all of those titles a decade ago. The loft was beginning to
show the strain!

I think EPE (amongst others) may be able to provide back copies, but
for how far back I don't know. The online site is at
http://www.epemag.wimborne.co.uk/ and the email address for such
queries is

Terry Pinnell
Hobbyist, West Sussex, UK
Cheers, Andrew.

I'll give them a try, but I'm not holding my breathe.

Nevertheless, thanks for the info.


The Old Geeza

"Andrew Holme" <andrew@nospam.com> wrote in message

Chevet in Blackpool deals in old electronics magazines :
Have you tried asking local hams? Most of us are packrats and I haven't
been to a hamfest yet that didn't have a bunch of back issues of
electronics/radio mags waiting to be dragged off. In some cases, if you
express an interest, the owner will be glad to let you have them for free if
you just take them off of his hands.
For Elektor Electronics magazine, try the Forum on their website at
They have a special section for their old books and magazines, you
might just be lucky there. In a recent issue a chap was offering 200+
Elektor magazines for collection.
I also noticed Junior computer books for sale.


"The Old Geeza" <tonysavage@angleseyroad.fsnet.co.uk> wrote in message news:<cvvj1d$ink$1@news6.svr.pol.co.uk>...
Hi all.

Call me old-fashioned if you like. It doesn't bother me, because I am!

For many, many years I answered hundreds of questions from beginners and
novices within this particular newsgroup. I now hope that someone out there
can help me. I've just been through a very 'messy' divorce case and I've
lost every single copy of my treasured Electronic magazines over the past 30

So, could anyone advise me where I might be able to purchase old copies
of British electronics hobby magazines, such as ETI (Electronics Today
International), EE (Everyday Electronics - now known as EPE - Everyday and
Practical Electronics), PE (Practical Electronics), WW (Wireless World),
Elektor, Hobby Electronics (the Daughter magazine of ETI many years ago).

If you have copies of these publications you'd be prepared to sell then
please let me know via email.

Any information will be gratefully received.

Thanks in advance for any replies.


The Old Geeza.
One thing you may try is to keep your eyes on ebay.
They often sell old magazines of any sort.


Good Luck

"The Old Geeza" <tonysavage@angleseyroad.fsnet.co.uk> wrote in message
Hi all.

Call me old-fashioned if you like. It doesn't bother me, because I am!

For many, many years I answered hundreds of questions from beginners and
novices within this particular newsgroup. I now hope that someone out
can help me. I've just been through a very 'messy' divorce case and I've
lost every single copy of my treasured Electronic magazines over the past

So, could anyone advise me where I might be able to purchase old copies
of British electronics hobby magazines, such as ETI (Electronics Today
International), EE (Everyday Electronics - now known as EPE - Everyday and
Practical Electronics), PE (Practical Electronics), WW (Wireless World),
Elektor, Hobby Electronics (the Daughter magazine of ETI many years ago).

If you have copies of these publications you'd be prepared to sell then
please let me know via email.

Any information will be gratefully received.

Thanks in advance for any replies.


The Old Geeza.

Welcome to EDABoard.com

