Off-Topic, Double Posting ???



Yeah, this is off topic, but you'll get over it, thanks.

I'm puzzled as to the cause of double-posting. Why is it when I post a
single message, I get two copies posted ?
grunt wrote:

Yeah, this is off topic, but you'll get over it, thanks.

I'm puzzled as to the cause of double-posting. Why is it when I post a
Parkinson's disease ?
grunt wrote:

Yeah, this is off topic, but you'll get over it, thanks.

I'm puzzled as to the cause of double-posting. Why is it when I post a
single message, I get two copies posted ?
You didn't in this case. It may simply be a case of finger trouble. ;-)

"grunt" <> wrote in message
Yeah, this is off topic, but you'll get over it, thanks.

I'm puzzled as to the cause of double-posting. Why is it when I post a
single message, I get two copies posted ?

It might be because there is a little gremlin in your computer case.

It might be because outlook express likes playing little tricks on you.
Secretly coded by Bill himself ;)

It might be because Bill Gates was secretly viewing your PC and right when
he was fascinatingly viewing your incredibly dirty filthy porn collection
Steve Ballmer walked in and Bill tried to click the close button in a hurry
but accidently hit your post button :)

In article <>,
grunt <> wrote:
Yeah, this is off topic, but you'll get over it, thanks.

I'm puzzled as to the cause of double-posting. Why is it when I post a
single message, I get two copies posted ?

1) a bad mouse switch or too much caffeine.

2) a problem with your NSP and or your newsreader/browser so that the
(usually) browser doesn't catch the clue that your message has been
processed so it queues it up again for resending.

3) Somebody is reposting it. (Check the Message-ID: header). This can
happen if a) Somebody has a news <-> email gateway or web news site set
up, but mis-configured, b) a message resurrector system has reposted
something that a rogue cancelbot has canceled, or c) a rogue floodbot
is using it as ammunition.

3 used to be the most common, now it seems to be 2.

Mark Zenier
Googleproofaddress(account:mzenier provider:eskimo domain:com)
Mark Zenier wrote:
3) Somebody is reposting it. (Check the Message-ID: header). This can
happen if a) Somebody has a news <-> email gateway or web news site set
up, but mis-configured, b) a message resurrector system has reposted
something that a rogue cancelbot has canceled, or c) a rogue floodbot
is using it as ammunition.
Ammunition for what... nerdwars? Maybe it's the revenge of GM.

Actually, I've been seeing lots of reposted messages showing up on
A.B.S.E. Generally from a few days or a week ago, from lots of different
people. I've also had my own messages not show up a few times. I assumed
it was thunderbird getting cranky, but I'll check the headers.

A rogue cancelbot/floodbot. What a concept. These folks have far too
much time on their hands.

Bob Monsen

If a little knowledge is dangerous, where is the man who has
so much as to be out of danger?
Thomas Henry Huxley, 1877

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