Cursitor Doom
In the PSU section of that old Tek oscilloscope I\'ve been
troubleshooting, I discovered several transistors had died. One of
these is puzzling me somewhat. It\'s a 2N5859 which they\'re using to
drive one of those big ol\' TO-3 power transistors for the -15V output
section. I can\'t understand why they chose a fast switching device
with a GBP of 250Mhz.
This being a linear PSU, in 1970 when these devices would have been
pretty expensive, it seems a curious choice. Fine, it can handle 80V
and pass 2 amps which is respectable in TO-39 in those days, but a
250Mhz Ft? What\'s the point? Some dumb old medium power audio
transistor could do that job, surely?
The schematic:
In the PSU section of that old Tek oscilloscope I\'ve been
troubleshooting, I discovered several transistors had died. One of
these is puzzling me somewhat. It\'s a 2N5859 which they\'re using to
drive one of those big ol\' TO-3 power transistors for the -15V output
section. I can\'t understand why they chose a fast switching device
with a GBP of 250Mhz.
This being a linear PSU, in 1970 when these devices would have been
pretty expensive, it seems a curious choice. Fine, it can handle 80V
and pass 2 amps which is respectable in TO-39 in those days, but a
250Mhz Ft? What\'s the point? Some dumb old medium power audio
transistor could do that job, surely?
The schematic: