Hi group
Interesting one this . Works for about a minute then sputters,fades
out and goes dead , "chirrups" on startup after that .
This is a JVC VF-V7E as used on the VideoMovie series GR-45E .
Solution - remove the HV lead by unclipping the four clips on the
front of the CRT, and carefully levering up the piece of plastic where
the white paint (retainer) is , pull off the HV lead . Thoroughly
clean the area and lead with IPA and allow to dry .
Worked for me
The connector pinout is :-
viewed from pin side of plug.
Gotchas on this one - check supply voltage if focus and geometry are
way off . Has to be exactly 8V on these units .
Connections are the same on the VF-V7E and they should be
interchangeable in theory .
<include disclaimer.h>
Interesting one this . Works for about a minute then sputters,fades
out and goes dead , "chirrups" on startup after that .
This is a JVC VF-V7E as used on the VideoMovie series GR-45E .
Solution - remove the HV lead by unclipping the four clips on the
front of the CRT, and carefully levering up the piece of plastic where
the white paint (retainer) is , pull off the HV lead . Thoroughly
clean the area and lead with IPA and allow to dry .
Worked for me
viewed from pin side of plug.
Gotchas on this one - check supply voltage if focus and geometry are
way off . Has to be exactly 8V on these units .
Connections are the same on the VF-V7E and they should be
interchangeable in theory .
<include disclaimer.h>