I would like to know how to produce the bit signal with 2 baud signals
for DQPSK demodulation
I is the odd of the bit signal and Q is the even signal of bit signal
clk_bit is twice clk_baud
I have two signals I and Q and I want to generate out_bit with these
two signals I and Q
I made it like this but I think that it is not the right solution
Do you have suggestion about this design ?
signal I, Q : in std_logic;
ECH_IQ : process (init,clk_baud)
if init='1' then
I_i <= '0';
Q_i <= '0';
elsif (clk_baud'event and clk_baud='1') then
I_i <= I;
Q_i <= Q;
end if;
end process ECH_IQ;
C1 <= I_i AND clk_baud; -- here i put the odd signal into C1
D1 <= Q_i AND (NOT clk_baud); -- and here the event signal into D1
-- I think it's not good to do a logic operator between a clock and a
SIG_OUT_BIT : process (init,clk_bit)
if init='1' then
out_bit <= '0';
elsif (clk_bit'event and clk_bit='1') then
out_bit <= D1 OR C1;
end if;
end process SIG_OUT_BIT;
I would like to know how to produce the bit signal with 2 baud signals
for DQPSK demodulation
I is the odd of the bit signal and Q is the even signal of bit signal
clk_bit is twice clk_baud
I have two signals I and Q and I want to generate out_bit with these
two signals I and Q
I made it like this but I think that it is not the right solution
Do you have suggestion about this design ?
signal I, Q : in std_logic;
ECH_IQ : process (init,clk_baud)
if init='1' then
I_i <= '0';
Q_i <= '0';
elsif (clk_baud'event and clk_baud='1') then
I_i <= I;
Q_i <= Q;
end if;
end process ECH_IQ;
C1 <= I_i AND clk_baud; -- here i put the odd signal into C1
D1 <= Q_i AND (NOT clk_baud); -- and here the event signal into D1
-- I think it's not good to do a logic operator between a clock and a
SIG_OUT_BIT : process (init,clk_bit)
if init='1' then
out_bit <= '0';
elsif (clk_bit'event and clk_bit='1') then
out_bit <= D1 OR C1;
end if;
end process SIG_OUT_BIT;