ocean with RTDA (nc) job scheduler



Is there a way to submit an ocean job with the RTDA job scheduler for
distributed jobs? Ive tried submitting
the runSimualtion thing and it did not work. The ideal setup would be
to run ocean normally but have it submit
it to the scheduler so it can send it to the best box to run.
rick wrote, on 09/01/10 22:34:
Is there a way to submit an ocean job with the RTDA job scheduler for
distributed jobs? Ive tried submitting
the runSimualtion thing and it did not work. The ideal setup would be
to run ocean normally but have it submit
it to the scheduler so it can send it to the best box to run.
Use distributed mode in ADE, and then pick "command" rather than "queue" and you
can then enter whatever command you need to submit the job.

Did you log a service request on this? I think I saw a similar request for
native RTDA integration in the last day or so.


On Sep 2, 9:12 am, Andrew Beckett <andr...@DcEaLdEeTnEcTe.HcIoSm>
rick wrote, on 09/01/10 22:34:

Is there a way to submit an ocean job with the RTDA job scheduler for
distributed jobs?  Ive tried submitting
the runSimualtion thing and it did not work.  The ideal setup would be
to run ocean normally but have it submit
it to the scheduler so it can send it to the best box to run.

Use distributed mode in ADE, and then pick "command" rather than "queue" and you
can then enter whatever command you need to submit the job.

Did you log a service request on this? I think I saw a similar request for
native RTDA integration in the last day or so.


Yes on the SR and CDS only supports LSF and SGE. The AE suggested I
passing the drms command to the run call. I modified the LSF command
to the
NC command and its seems to be working! ADE also works in a simular

ADE; chose command line and enter nc run -C <job-policy>

ocean: run(?jobName "job1" ?drmsCmd "nc run -C <job-policy")


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