Ocean County New Jersey Attorney Novins Fights Online Abuser


atlas bugged

Anonymous posters using falsified identifiers have e-mailed prominent
attorney Charles Novins with apologies, concerned they may be found out, and
jockeying to avoid being sued and exposed, as several others have.

The falsified and libelous posts, alleging "drug addiction," "rape" and
other ridiculous defamation appeared on Usenet and republished in various
internet fora.

Typical online apologies have appeared publicly, including:


The Novins firm has become a clearinghouse for victims of internet abuse,
and has been recognized as one of the first to fight back with success.
Asked what he advises people who seek his counsel, Novins said:

"Would-be bullies are the same everywhere and every-when, and it has ever
been thus. Ultimately, they're cowards, and the minute anyone stands up to
them, they scatter like insects.

They act as they do out of self-loathing and fear, but this can not and
should not earn them sympathy.

The miscreant's metaphorical bloody nose is just as beneficial to the abuser
as to the abused, and in no way does the chioice to fight back make the two
sides the same in any way."

Novins can be contacted at www.novins.com

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