Eric R Snow
I've been using Google with less than desired results. I have two CNC
machine controls built by Fanuc about 27 years ago. They use CMOS
memory. I believe these are 1K devices. Anyway, the number on the
package is MD8401N. This number is in the middle of the package. They
might be made by Fuji. If anyone can help locate 10 or so of these I'd
really appreciate it.
Eric R Snow
I've been using Google with less than desired results. I have two CNC
machine controls built by Fanuc about 27 years ago. They use CMOS
memory. I believe these are 1K devices. Anyway, the number on the
package is MD8401N. This number is in the middle of the package. They
might be made by Fuji. If anyone can help locate 10 or so of these I'd
really appreciate it.
Eric R Snow