Obscure Question.


Firstly let me say i don't know the first thing about electronics...
Thus the question..!!!

What i would like to know is, is it possible to use a normal power
supply ie plug in the wall!! with just having a plug in the wall
without the lead.... IE im trying to consider ways of transferring the
power from a plug in the wall to a device without the use of leads..

Before you all start screaming about chargers, this has been considered
however the product will only work for minutes on a charge. and i am
looking for something with a longer (if not indeffinate) power supply
from the mains without the use or inconvenience of leads..

Is this at all possible if so can you direct me in the right direction
either a supplier of such products or the general idea how it can be

Many thanks for you time, and forgiveness for my niaivety

w407309@hotmail.com wrote:

Firstly let me say i don't know the first thing about electronics...
Thus the question..!!!

What i would like to know is, is it possible to use a normal power
supply ie plug in the wall!! with just having a plug in the wall
without the lead.... IE im trying to consider ways of transferring the
power from a plug in the wall to a device without the use of leads..

Before you all start screaming about chargers, this has been considered
however the product will only work for minutes on a charge. and i am
looking for something with a longer (if not indeffinate) power supply
from the mains without the use or inconvenience of leads..

Is this at all possible if so can you direct me in the right direction
either a supplier of such products or the general idea how it can be

Many thanks for you time, and forgiveness for my niaivety

Google for "Tesla".

If your device will drain batteries that quickly, then you are using
quite a lot of power. Powering a device remotely using electromagnetic
radiation is possible, but only for very small devices, like rfid chips
or crystal sets.

Tesla supposedly powered a car remotely. However, his hair was probably
standing on end when he did it... ;)

Laptops are generally used away from the mains, and consume lots of
power. A lithium laptop or camcorder battery might be what you are
looking for.

Robert Monsen

"Your Highness, I have no need of this hypothesis."
- Pierre Laplace (1749-1827), to Napoleon,
on why his works on celestial mechanics make no mention of God.
thanks for this.... it was just my partner had come up with a possible
product that would "sell like hot cakes" however i need a continuious
power supply...

but thanks for that at least i can shut her up!!!
An electromagnetic feild can be used but the device would have to be in
close contact with the plug. like electric tooth brushes do, no plug
connectors or wires, but no good if your device is not going to be ontop of
the power supply. Sorry can see it being done anyother way.

<w407309@hotmail.com> wrote in message

Firstly let me say i don't know the first thing about electronics...
Thus the question..!!!

What i would like to know is, is it possible to use a normal power
supply ie plug in the wall!! with just having a plug in the wall
without the lead.... IE im trying to consider ways of transferring the
power from a plug in the wall to a device without the use of leads..

Before you all start screaming about chargers, this has been considered
however the product will only work for minutes on a charge. and i am
looking for something with a longer (if not indeffinate) power supply
from the mains without the use or inconvenience of leads..

Is this at all possible if so can you direct me in the right direction
either a supplier of such products or the general idea how it can be

Many thanks for you time, and forgiveness for my niaivety


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