OA Installation Errors!!



I am trying to Install OpenAccess in Linux, installation goes well
fine. But when I try to run the binary "./oaTesto" to test the
installation, I get following message:

..oaTest: error while loading shared libraries: liboaBase.so: cannot
open shared object file: No such file or directory

I have set LD_LIBRARY_PATH to /opt/OpenAccess/lib/
linux_rhel30_gcc411_32/opt, (correct if I am wrong!)

I have followed all the instructions given in API, I did post this in
Si2.org forum, but no replies. Thot I would give it a try here. Please

Here is the link for the post in si2 forum

navs wrote:
I am trying to Install OpenAccess in Linux, installation goes well
fine. But when I try to run the binary "./oaTesto" to test the
installation, I get following message:

.oaTest: error while loading shared libraries: liboaBase.so: cannot
open shared object file: No such file or directory

I have set LD_LIBRARY_PATH to /opt/OpenAccess/lib/
linux_rhel30_gcc411_32/opt, (correct if I am wrong!)
without further investigation (cannot find any of oaTesto, oaTest,
..oaTest ...) you are always WRONG setting LD_LIBRARY_PATH ...

If needed let the calling program (wrapper) do it for you ...

Thanks very much. I removed the LD_LIBRARY_PATH... and it worked..but
i got errors running here is the output from oaTest.log

Running Test 'oaDesign'
"!dbFile.isWritable()" check failed in design/oaDesignTest.cpp
at line 3456.
"!lockFile.exists()" check failed in design/oaDesignTest.cpp
at line 3465.

Finished: Failed

Running Test 'oaLibDef'
Test output 'oaLibDef.out' file does not match reference.

Finished: Failed

Running Test 'oaTech'
"!dbFile.isWritable()" check failed in tech/oaTechTest.cpp at
line 1718.
"!lockFile.exists()" check failed in tech/oaTechTest.cpp at
line 1727.

Finished: Failed

Running Test 'oaWafer'
"!dbFile.isWritable()" check failed in wafer/oaWaferTest.cpp
at line 572.
"!lockFile.exists()" check failed in wafer/oaWaferTest.cpp at
line 581.

Finished: Failed

:Running Test 'LibMgrOptions'
Expected lib.defs when stored LibDefs is not writable. Got

Finished: Failed

i checked oaWaferTest.cpp, oaTechTest.cpp, oaDesignTest.cpp.....looks
like its meant to fail.. is that right? I dont know about other two!.

thanks very much

I got this one fixed. I moved the installation directory to my home
directory and I got no errors. I couldn't figure out why it wasnt
working even though I had admin access. Anyways it worked for me.


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