OA Cellview database object flow chart



Hello all,

Does anyone know if the IC6.x online documentation comes with a
cellview object flow chart?. I am looking for something similar to the
flow chart found at the back of those spiral bound IC5.x (CDBA) SKILL
Command Reference.


JonBus <sampah@cox.net> writes:

Does anyone know if the IC6.x online documentation comes with
a cellview object flow chart?. I am looking for something similar to
the flow chart found at the back of those spiral bound IC5.x (CDBA)
SKILL Command Reference.
I don't know if there is an online version, but there is such a chart
at the end of the Skill Quick Reference for 6.1.


Jean-Marc Bourguet wrote:
JonBus <sampah@cox.net> writes:
Does anyone know if the IC6.x online documentation comes with
a cellview object flow chart?. I am looking for something similar to
the flow chart found at the back of those spiral bound IC5.x (CDBA)
SKILL Command Reference.

There is such a chart at the end of the Skill Quick Reference for 6.1.
There is an IC610 Virtuoso CDBA on OpenAccess cellview object types
chart at:

Here is a step-by-step path to that clickable CDBA on OpenAccess chart:
- http://sourcelink.cadence.com
- Manuals & Release Information
- Integrated Circuit IC 6.1.0
- Product Documentation for IC 6.1.0
- Virtuoso Design Environment SKILL Functions Reference, Product
Version 6.5
- Database Access
- Attribute Retrieval and Modification
- Object Types

Note this chart is NOT the same diagram as in the back of the latest
IC610 SKILL Quick Reference (same data - different presentation).

That gorgeous large color CDBA on OpenAccess 2.2 cellview foldout chart
at the back of the hand-held IC610 SKILL Quick Reference was kindly
written by Gilles on his Macintosh specially for the spiral-bound IC610
SQR desk reference.

If designers desire the IC610 SQR CDBA on OpenAccess database map to be
placed in the Virtuoso documentation, I would suggest asking for it via
the product change request system through Cadence Customer Support (it
always helps to have a Customer request).

In fact, in 2001, I had personally filed PCR 417057 asking for the
Genesis database map (Genesis is basically the old name for OpenAccess)
to be part of the CDSDoc. Interestingly, the PCR is titled "Request DB
traversal document to be provided in IC447 CDSDoc" which was "fixed"
for CDBA on CDB on 07-22-2002 with the comment:
"The CDB SKILL Database Map was added as Appendix D to the
Cadence Design Framework II User Guide in release 5.0 and 4.4.6."

That PCR 417057 references a similar Customer PCR 417601 titled "SKILL
Manuals no longer contain the CDB SKILL database map" which was closed
on 04-01-2002 with the comment:
"If you're using the IC 4.4.7 hierarchy, you can view [the database
chart] through
CDSDoc. First select the IC447 release. Then you want to navigate to
Appendix D
of the Cadence Design Framework II User Guide."

Personally, I would think it's a good idea for this wonderful IC610
CDBA on OpenAccess cellview datamap document to be in the CDSDoc. To
that end, today I converted Gilles' PDF into Microsoft Word and RTF and
provided it to the pubs owners of the "Virtuoso Design Environment
SKILL Functions Reference".

I think it would help for one or more of you to call Customer Support
to formally request the IC610 CDBA on OpenAccess cellview database map
be provided in the Virtuoso documentation.

Meanwhile, let me know if the Sourcelink URL I provided above satisfies
your immediate needs. If not, you can obtain a hard copy of Gilles'
color-foldout database map in the back of the IC610 SKILL Quick
Reference from your local sales team.

Good luck,
John Gianni
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