As you know many spice simulators these has built-in solvers. LTSpice IV has no built-in solver but I have written an external one. It automatically adjusts component values to meet circuit performance targets you set. Such as maximizing power output while minimizing supply current. We all know as circuit designers that playing around with component values to hit some performance sweet-spot can be fun. At other times it becomes a most tedious chore. At those time you can set up EvoSpice and take a long lunch while a computer does your work for you.
I have a free trial version of the software here:
Have a nice day and best regards,
Sean O'Connor
As you know many spice simulators these has built-in solvers. LTSpice IV has no built-in solver but I have written an external one. It automatically adjusts component values to meet circuit performance targets you set. Such as maximizing power output while minimizing supply current. We all know as circuit designers that playing around with component values to hit some performance sweet-spot can be fun. At other times it becomes a most tedious chore. At those time you can set up EvoSpice and take a long lunch while a computer does your work for you.
I have a free trial version of the software here:
Have a nice day and best regards,
Sean O'Connor