NS's LMC6482AIM seems no good then TI's OPA2343



Hi All,
On THD test, it seems NS's LMC6482AIM seems no good then TI's
We found the THD+N is quite high on NS's LMC6482AIM.

Could you please advice?

Thank you very much!

Best regards,
Boki wrote:
Hi All,
On THD test, it seems NS's LMC6482AIM seems no good then
TI's OPA2343.
We found the THD+N is quite high on NS's LMC6482AIM.

Could you please advice?

Thank you very much!

Best regards,
It depends a lot on the gain setting, supply voltage and input voltage how
high you will measure distortion and noise. With a low input impedance
(input shorted) the noise should be in the same ballpark. The LMC has higher
voltage noise, but its lower noise corner will compensate for it. OPA specs
8uVrms with 50k BW.
The LMC has more distortion, with 40dB gain you will have an audible 1%, the
OPA is 1-2 orders of magnitude better.
You could shift the bias voltage down to +2V for 5Vsupply. this will reduce
the crossover distortion between the input transistor pairs. Also the input
impedance of the LMC depends a lot on the distance to the positive rail, so
a higher supply voltage will help here too.
Be a bit more specific about your application and we can give more detailed

ciao Ban
Bordighera, Italy
I got it. Professional answer!

Thank you very much.

Best regards,

"Ban" <bansuri@web.de> źśźgŠóślĽóˇsťD:1MhGe.16502$2U1.1115796@news3.tin.it...
Boki wrote:
Hi All,
On THD test, it seems NS's LMC6482AIM seems no good then
TI's OPA2343.
We found the THD+N is quite high on NS's LMC6482AIM.

Could you please advice?

Thank you very much!

Best regards,

It depends a lot on the gain setting, supply voltage and input voltage how
high you will measure distortion and noise. With a low input impedance
(input shorted) the noise should be in the same ballpark. The LMC has
higher voltage noise, but its lower noise corner will compensate for it.
OPA specs 8uVrms with 50k BW.
The LMC has more distortion, with 40dB gain you will have an audible 1%,
the OPA is 1-2 orders of magnitude better.
You could shift the bias voltage down to +2V for 5Vsupply. this will
reduce the crossover distortion between the input transistor pairs. Also
the input impedance of the LMC depends a lot on the distance to the
positive rail, so a higher supply voltage will help here too.
Be a bit more specific about your application and we can give more
detailed advise.

ciao Ban
Bordighera, Italy

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