Notebook PC with 1400x1050 or higher display resolution wnd

I'm searching for a notebook PC with 1400x1050 or higher display resolution
on 15.x" or 17" display.
So far I found the following notebooks but they are slow (1.xGHz).
Do you know any other notebook with 1400x1050 res. and with 3.xGHz?

Compaq Evo N800v --> 1400x1050
I-Tech Excel Centrino G556 Pro SXGA (1400x1050)

NOTE : Most of the graphics cards supports higher than 1400x1050 resolution
but they scroll the screen abvove 1280x1024 resolution.
I am interested in non-scroll 1400x1050 or higher resolution.
<abc> wrote in message
I'm searching for a notebook PC with 1400x1050 or higher display
resolution on 15.x" or 17" display.
So far I found the following notebooks but they are slow (1.xGHz).
Do you know any other notebook with 1400x1050 res. and with 3.xGHz?

Compaq Evo N800v --> 1400x1050
I-Tech Excel Centrino G556 Pro SXGA (1400x1050)

NOTE : Most of the graphics cards supports higher than 1400x1050
resolution but they scroll the screen abvove 1280x1024 resolution.
I am interested in non-scroll 1400x1050 or higher resolution.
Wasn't audi(supermarkets) selling something similar ?

Be carefull with desktop replacements, they can get very hot.
Especially dells(inspirons), a mates one melted some of the keyboard,
melted the keyboard connector a few times.
Has had it replaced six times.

Only 3GHz ? can get desktop replacements up to 3.4Ghz

Dell sells one I think.inspiron xps(not released here yet)
try the 9100 series(1920x1200)

Other problem with desktop replacements is very short battery life and
quite high weight.

Apple has a widescreen model

Interms of performance how different Intel Mobile processors compared to
Pentium 4 HT ?

Wasn't audi(supermarkets) selling something similar ?

Be carefull with desktop replacements, they can get very hot.
Especially dells(inspirons), a mates one melted some of the keyboard,
melted the keyboard connector a few times.
Has had it replaced six times.

Only 3GHz ? can get desktop replacements up to 3.4Ghz

Dell sells one I think.inspiron xps(not released here yet)
try the 9100 series(1920x1200)

Other problem with desktop replacements is very short battery life and
quite high weight.

Apple has a widescreen model


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