Non volatile implementation of Xc2s100



I have Spartan-II FPGA XC2S100.
I wan to implement FIFO interfaced with ADC, DAC and Extended Memory
Interface EMIF in Spartan-II Fpga. I can implement the required 256*18
SN74ALVC7806 FIFO by the use of built in 40K block RAM in Spartan-II
FPGA. But the implementation is volatile
For the non-volatile implementation what is the best most economical
component (from for example flash, CPLD, EEPROM, PROM, flash prom etc,
preferably one for which I don't have to use parallel port interface )
that can be used with XC2S100 or XC2S50 ?

Thanks and Regards
Atif Nadeem
Research Associate
Al-Khawarizmi Institute of Computer Science,
UET Lahore, Pakistan
If you are looking for a FIFO that retains its data and pointers when
power is removed ( is that what you need? ), then you are in for quite a
search. Non-volatile memories are usually quite slow, and/or allow a
limited number of write cycles.
I might implement the FIFO inside Spartan, and then dump the content and
pointers onto external flash memory before shutting down.
Very unusual request...
Peter Alfke, Xilinx
Atif wrote:
I have Spartan-II FPGA XC2S100.
I wan to implement FIFO interfaced with ADC, DAC and Extended Memory
Interface EMIF in Spartan-II Fpga. I can implement the required 256*18
SN74ALVC7806 FIFO by the use of built in 40K block RAM in Spartan-II
FPGA. But the implementation is volatile
For the non-volatile implementation what is the best most economical
component (from for example flash, CPLD, EEPROM, PROM, flash prom etc,
preferably one for which I don't have to use parallel port interface )
that can be used with XC2S100 or XC2S50 ?

Thanks and Regards
Atif Nadeem
Research Associate
Al-Khawarizmi Institute of Computer Science,
UET Lahore, Pakistan

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