non-standard PC peripherals




Does anyone know of any resources for purchasing/making devices like
volume knobs or switches (of or resembling the normal type) that can
be interfaced with a PC?
Something that communicates via serial or usb and has drivers written
for it that can be accessed programmatically in windows (or *nix,i
guess) in order to perform tasks such as volume control or something
else available via Windows API etc?
I am making a 'case mod' (weird computer case) for a PC and thought it
would be interesting to add PC volume knob and some other items to the
system that actually perform some function inside the machine (i am
able to program in C).

Thank you very much!!
Is there a reason no to put a manual pot isolated from the chassis in
series with the speaker to be a volume control? Or will the PC be
remotely located, making this impossible?

On 24 Feb 2004 21:21:19 -0800, (abonghit) wrote:


Does anyone know of any resources for purchasing/making devices like
volume knobs or switches (of or resembling the normal type) that can
be interfaced with a PC?
Something that communicates via serial or usb and has drivers written
for it that can be accessed programmatically in windows (or *nix,i
guess) in order to perform tasks such as volume control or something
else available via Windows API etc?
I am making a 'case mod' (weird computer case) for a PC and thought it
would be interesting to add PC volume knob and some other items to the
system that actually perform some function inside the machine (i am
able to program in C).

Thank you very much!!
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Molon Labe!

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